5H voting for worship leaders

Once again, I am very proud of all the children in 5H who made a speech when we voted for Worship Leaders this morning.

YR 5 Autumn Term Homework

Please find the Autumn Term homework for the Year 5 children in the links below.

We have provided the children with some Maths which follows the work the children are completing in class, the Spelling words which are key Year 5 words – with some ideas for how to learn them, Reading expectations and Egyptian related homework – this to last until Christmas. New spellings will be assigned after October half term.

Please support your child where necessary and please contact us directly if you need anything more.

We are impressed with how all the children have settled into Year 5 and are quickly picking up the new rules and routines and we hope you have all noticed this too?

Kindest regards

Team Year 5 (Mr M, Miss H and Mr Marsh)

Mrs M’s homework letter:  homework-letter

Year 5 Homework Plan:   Autumn 1st Half term

Egyptian Homework Ideas: Homework-Egyptians

Ideas to help children learn Spellings: KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

5H voting for school council

I am super proud of all the children in my class who made a speech today putting themselves forward for the NJS school council.


5H High Ropes Trip!

The children in 5H had a fantastic day today at Telford High Ropes! Mrs Thomas, Miss Smith and I were incredibly proud and impressed by the courage, team work and general lovely behaviour shown by the children. Well done everyone! Miss H xxx







Year 5 Gate Trial!

Year 5 Parents and Carers,

From Monday 12th July we would like to trial use of the Year 5 gates for your children to enter and exit from school.

We therefore ask that from Monday your children arrive at school up the entrance opposite One Dental (the gate through which they currently exit) and wait at the double green gates in front of them where Year 5 staff will open them at 8.45am.

Year 5 will also be dismissed from these gates at 3.10pm from Monday onwards.

The Year 5 team will talk to your children about this routine before Monday so they are confident with what to do.

Thank you for your support.

5H sports day!

Well done to all the children! They showed excellent sportsmanship and gave lots of effort and enthusiasm. They really looked the part today, especially with the Olympic torch on loan from the London 2012 Olympics!