Children left in school

We have lots of activities planned while some of the children are in London.

You should have received a note about a walk to Greggs. Looking at the weather forecast, the best day to go is tomorrow (Wednesday). The children will be allowed to bring up to £5 on our walk in an envelope with their name on in a wallet. If there are any questions please contact school.

We also have an art project planned and would appreciate cardboard, bubble wrap and small containers brought in tomorrow if you have any around the house.

The children will need their PE kits on Thursday.

URGENT: Year 6 photography

ALL children who attended the photography workshop last week at Chetwynd Deer Park have the opportunity to submit a photo into the competition and have it displayed at the showground.

We currently have 59 photos, so quite a few outstanding.  It would be great for all of our children to share their work in this event.

For your photograph to be submitted it MUST be emailed to by 7.30pm today.

Mrs Moody


Alton Towers Monday

Year 6 are VERY excited about our visit to Alton Towers on Monday 17th June! Here are some reminders:

  • Arrive at school for 8:30am for an 8:45am departure.
  • Bring a packed lunch, unless in receipt of free school meals and pre-ordered from kitchen.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather, e.g., raincoat/ cap
  • Wear closed-in shoes
  • If warm, pack sun cream
  • Pack a refillable water bottle
  • Children are allowed to bring £5 to spend in the gift shop.
  • We will be back at school for approximately 6:30pm. Please keep checking Facebook for a more accurate time.

Any questions, please feel free to email a member of the year 6 team.

Thank you

Yr 6 URGENT Photography Workshop Reminder

Please can we ask that anyone who has not yet submitted their Deer Park Photography entry does so as soon as possible.

Entries should be made by emailing photos to:

The deadline is Friday, however with Mr J being in London from Wednesday, we would appreciate them in asap.

Thank you

London Updates – Social Media

For any parents of children visiting London this week, please make sure you are following our social media pages for regular updates. These will be posted on Facebook, X (Twitter) and the school website.

School Twitter page:

School Facebook page:

School Website Yr 6:

6J Beech’s Base TOMORROW

A reminder for 6J that we are in Beech’s Base tomorrow – Tuesday 11th!

Children are welcome to come to school in their forest clothing, and bring a change of clothes with them if they want to.

Miss Lockwood is really looking forward to working with you!


Carnival Float

To any child with a place on the NJS Carnival Float,
• Children must all be in their clothing suitable to our theme “The Smurfs!”
• Children must congregate with their parents/guardians at Shuker Fields from 11am, please do not arrive any earlier. Our deadline for having all children congregated ready to board our float is 11.30am, anyone arriving after this time will not be permitted aboard by Newport Carnival Committee rules. You may be able to park near Waitrose or Aldi and walk your children in from either direction to the Shuker Fields as Audley Avenue will be closed.
• Please ensure you stay with your child until they are handed to the adults with our float; Mr M, Mrs M, Mrs Green, Mr Jones, Miss Bold, Mrs Cox or any other member of the NJS staff.
• Once children are aboard the moving float they will be on there until the finish at nearly 1pm, the procession moves off at 12.00pm. Please ensure they have had a good drink and a snack before they climb aboad. Toilets will be on BBS/Shuker Field for use prior to 11.30pm.
• When dropping your child off for the float, please make yourselves aware which side of the procession they are on – you don’t want to miss them!(Drivers side – Boots/B&M side of the High street; Passengers side – Library/School/Bod side of the High street!)
• You must collect your child from outside the Swan Pub by 1pm.

Please note: The following information from Newport Carnival Committee regarding Newport roads and parking.
On Saturday 8th June, only floats will be admitted into the Audley Avenue area, NO CARS ALLOWED!! Shuker field is the new location of where we will congregate for everyone who is taking part in the parade.
Please note due to safety regulations no vehicles other than actual floats will be allowed in the Audley Avenue area where the floats will be congregating, roads will be blocked off.
Drop offs can be made at the car park for Shuker field off The Broadway – postcode ref TF10 7NS
SOME STREETS WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC – Please allow adequate time as on Carnival day it gets very busy! Please observe the road closure signs and don’t enter an area which is closed, being restricted for floats.

Thank you for those that have offered help from 8.30am in the morning, to decorate the float – see you on avenue road – the more help the better please (You can park on the school car parks if needed) If you have staple guns, strong string, strong tape, cable ties, scissors etc, please bring them with you, you might need them!! Please state to any road closure marshals that you are coming to school to decorate a float.

Many thanks

Mr M
(I have just noticed this email wasn’t pushed out by the website – all I can do is apologise it is so late!)

Yr 6 Crucial Crew Info

Y6-Crucial-Crew-letter 2

The attached letter contains information on the upcoming visit to Crucial Crew on Wednesday 10th July.

Please note: children are required to wear their green NJS jumpers/cardigans for this visit.

Many thanks.

Yr 6 Photography Entries Needed

Please can we ask that anyone who took their own camera to the Deer Park yesterday, emails their chosen entry to Mr J ASAP!

Please send your image to:

Remember, this should be one single image, with the name of the children clearly stated.

If you experience any issues with doing this, you are welcome to bring it in to school and a member of staff should be able to help.