Year 6 Alton Towers Reminders

Remember: children need to be in school for 8.30am.  Dressed in comfortable appropriate clothing.  Have waterproofs with them!  Packed lunches, drinks and snacks are needed.  Maximum £5 spending money.  NO mobile phones.  We are due back at school between 6.15pm and 6.30pm – please be aware this is traffic dependent and we will try to text if timings are going to be significantly different.


Well done Year 6 – SATS are over!

You have been brilliant – well done for doing your very best, we are proud of you.

Have a super weekend enjoying yourselves.

Reminder for 6S

On Friday 17th May, children from 6S need to bring in as much newspaper as possible to complete a newspaper challenge.

Thank you for your support.
Miss S

Year 6 Alton Towers Reminder

Please can we remind Year 6 Parents and Carers to return permission slips and payment if possible as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support.

P.S. Your children were fab today!  We are looking forward to breakfast club tomorrow 🙂