Y6 Boys Football POSTPONED

I have made the boys aware but the fixture tomorrow is postponed unfortunately due to our field still being waterlogged. I am working with Short Wood to find a new date that works for both schools.

Mr Marsh

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 17th April.

  1. Complete the measurement SATs test which has been set on www.maths.co.uk (Children already have their log in information in order to access this)
  2. Complete the SPaG sheet which contains questions from many areas of the SPaG curriculum. Wk 1 spag

We ask that all children, unless prior agreed by the teacher, complete this homework. The maths test gives us information on gaps in learning that we use to help best prepare the children for their upcoming SATs.

Yr 6 Tutoring 9th April

Just a reminder that Maths tutoring for children in Mr Jones’, Miss Bold’s & Mrs Ollerenshaw is taking place tomorrow morning. 

Please ensure you arrive by 8am and make your way straight to the classroom where the teacher will be waiting.


URGENT: Year 6 Breakfast Club!

Year 6 Parents and Carers,

Before Easter we sent out a letter regarding breakfast club for the children during SAT week.  A reminder of this letter can be found below:

breakfast club letter

We have a number of Year 6 children who have not confirmed their attendance and breakfast choice on ParentPay.  Please can we ask that all families complete this by Friday 12th April at the latest.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Yr 6 Leavers’ Hoody Reminder

letter re Y6 hoodies 2024

Please ensure that you have filled in & returned the information on the bottom of the letter sent home on Friday regarding the leavers’ hoodies.

We are very grateful to our PTA for their hard work in ensuring children are able to have a hoody this year.

As it states on the letter, if it is not returned by Wednesday, staff will estimate sizing and will request for the first name to be printed.

Many thanks

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 13th March

  1. Complete reading comprehension sheet. This is designed to encourage speed & efficiency when reading.
  2. Complete online maths practise paper. This is a new website we are using. Children should all have their log on within their homelink book and a letter has gone home which gives instructions on how to access this.

Please encourage your child to complete homework to a high standard. This is part of our on-going effort to ensure the children are prepared for the transition to secondary school.

6J World Book Day

Lots of brilliant costumes from 6J today for World Book Day ’24! Great to see such variety in choice of character – well done! 👍