Year 3 Home School Provision Friday 15th January

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the home learning for Friday 15th January:

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 15.01.21

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 15.01.21 PDF

Here are some supporting slides for Friday’s English lesson:

Year 3 Home School Provision English Intro slides 15.1.21

Year 3 Home School Provision English Intro slides 15.1.21 PDF

And here are some supporting slides for the Art Online lesson today:

Roman Mosaic Art Slides Friday 15th upload

Roman Mosaic Templates Friday 15th upload

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Reading / Phonics app FREE until 17th January

Dear Parents,

I would like to inform you of a free offer currently available from The Usborne Foundation, a charity, for their brilliant app, Teach your Monster to Read. This is a phonics-focussed app, which we use in school, to support children who need extra help with reading and blending letter sounds.

It is permanently free on their website, but the app is also currently free too (normally £4.99). There are absolutely no in-app purchases or adverts, so get yourself onto the app store and download it by Sunday 17th January for free! It will continue to be free on the device you download it onto, even after this date.

Please click on the link below for further information. Sign up on the website first, to get a logon for your child, then either continue on your computer, or download the app to a different device and use the same logon you just created.

Sign Up and Play – Teach Your Monster to Read

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care 🙂

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2

Bake With Miss J!

Hello everyone!

In the last lockdown I used some of the time to experiment and explore with my baking. I did a few live sessions of Facebook which were brilliant! This time, I have decided to add a short video to go with a new recipe! This means you can bake at a time that is convenient to you.

This week, I made Viennese Biscuits (see the recipe below). Baking is a great way to involve the family and the end result is always delicious!


200g softened butter (I use stork)

100g icing sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla

250g plain flour

1 tablespoon of milk (maybe 2 if required)

For the decoration: 50g of chocolate (I use milk but you could use white or dark)

  1. Set your oven to 180 degrees, 160 degree (Fan) or gas mark 4.
  2. Set 1 or 2 baking trays on the side and place a piece of grease proof paper on top.
  3. In a bowl or standing mixer, beat together the butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy.
  4. Add the flour and vanilla and continue to beat until it resembles a crumble.
  5. Start off by adding 1 tablespoon of milk and beat the mixture until the crumbs stick together. You may need to add another tablespoon or two depending on how stiff the mixture is.

If possible…

  1. Place the mixture into a piping bag and pipe into biscuits on the prepared baking trays.

If not possible…

  1. Take a spoon and place a spoonful of mixture on the tray. You may wish to press down so it flattens the mixture.

Bake for 15 minutes until lightly golden… do not worry if they seem pale. These biscuits are usually pale but DELICIOUS! Once baked, let the biscuits cool down.

To decorate:

  1. With an adult, melt the 50g of chocolate.
  2. Dip the biscuit into the chocolate to form a coating OR spoon the mixture on.

If you don’t want a lot of chocolate… melt 25g and drizzle the chocolate on top!

If you decide to make these biscuits please do send an e-mail to – I would love to see how they turn out!

Stay tuned for another recipe!

Miss J x


Phonics support at home – reading App

Read with Phonics is an App that can be downloaded to support children at home. This is the closest model to the Read Write Inc programme we use at school. This can be downloaded from App Store for Apple or any android App Store.

The App is easy to set up and very user friendly. If you are having any problems please contact and I will do my best to help you.

Year 3 Home Learning 08.01.21

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the home learning slides for tomorrow (08.01.21). Your lesson will be with Mrs Bold. Please let Mrs Moody know if you have not received a link to the meeting by 6pm this evening.

You are all doing so well – keep it up 🙂

If you have any questions please email;

Thank you for you continuing support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 08.07.21

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 08.07.21 PDF

Beech’s Base Head Teacher Award Children

Good Morning NJS!

Hope you are all well.  As we are still in bubbles we will still have to separate the children for HTA at Beech’s Base. Below is how it will be organised.

All children who have received a HTA will attend on Monday. Those who need to catch up from previous missed weeks can also attend this Monday 🙂

  • Children will need to come into school in suitable outdoor clothing not uniform. They can bring a change of clothes for afterwards if they wish, this does not need to be uniform. Outdoor shoes/wellies will need to be brought in, in a carrier bag.
  • A packed lunch will need to be brought in please.

Children will attend for half an hour with their time split between eating their packed lunch and toasting a marshmallow. This will allow us to be able to keep year groups separate. They will have half an hour playtime with their peers either before or after their time at Beech’s Base depending on the year group they are in.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska