Big Sing 2020! Year 4!

The children in year 4 will be coming home with a letter about the Big Sing 2020. This is an event due to take place on Thursday 12th March at The International Centre, Telford.

This letter is purely for us to see how many children would like to take part. Then we will be able to provide more details.

This letter needs to be given to Miss E Jones (4J) by Monday 3rd February at the latest.

Thank you!

The Year 4 Team

Big Sing Letter 2020

Year 4 Homework

Good Morning,

As we are focusing on the Christmas Performance, we would like children to learn their lines and practise the dances (hopefully they will remember them from school!)

If children could still read to an adult 3 x a week and complete the sound checks on TTRS it would be most beneficial.

Have a lovely week 🙂