5M Advent Calendar Day 2

Today’s turn for our Advent Calendar is Abigail and Leon.

Abigail is our resident Worship Leader and wise owl in the class.

Leon is one of our Y5 Librarians who enjoys a very competitive game of football!

5M Advent Calendar Day 1

We start our daily countdown with Sofia and Seb.

Sofia is our sassy, fierce Junior Road Safety Officer for Y5.

Seb is our Tetrathlete who loves his horses and using his imagination in class!


5M Handball

Alongside Swimming this half term, we are looking at the sport of Handball. Today we focussed on the skills of being a good goalkeeper and diving correctly. We used the crash mat and the class absolutely loved it!






5P Computing

5P (and Mrs Yates!) have loved learning how to programme a circuit to make LED Sparkle and a motor work with the Crumble software this afternoon in 5P.