Week beginning 10.2.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon 

5P Mr Lambert

5OP Mrs O All need PE kits
Tuesday 5P Mr Lambert

5K Mrs Y for part of morning

Mrs O in 5OP Internet safety day
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon5OP Mrs H in pm

5P Mr Lambert

Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE
Thursday 5K Mrs H 

5P Mr Lambert





Mrs P in 5OP Careers fair


5P PE kit
Friday 5P Mr Lambert 5OP Mrs P PTA film afternoon

5P Beech’s base tomorrow

Reminder that 5P are at Beech’s base tomorrow (Friday 7th February). Please come to school in your outdoor clothing with indoor shoes. Outdoor shoes are to be brought in a bag. Coats and warm clothing are required as the weather is forecasted to be cold tomorrow.

Yr 5 Arthog Residential

Please can we ask that all medical forms and behavioural contracts are brought back into school ASAP – by Monday 10th Feb at the latest. We are now being chased by the team at Arthog who are trying to make arrangements for our children.

Please send them to the school office.

Thank you

Mr M

5P Beech’s base

5P are going to Beech’s base on Friday 7th.  Children can come to school in their outdoor clothing but must be wearing indoor shoes. Please bring outdoor shoes in a bag and ensure they have suitable coats and warm/dry layer.

Week beginning 3.2.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P Mrs H

5OP Mrs H Space Dome 5K need PE kits
Tuesday 5P Mr Everington Mrs Y in 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5P Mr Everington

Mrs O in 5OP 5K PE
Thursday 5OP Mrs H in the afternoon

5P Mr Everington





Mrs P in 5OP Library 5P PE kit
Friday 5P

5K Mrs Y for part of morning

5OP Mrs P 5OP PE

5P Beech’s base

5K in Beech’s base tomorrow

Just a reminder 5K is at Beech’s base tomorrow. Children can come to school in their outdoor clothing with a pair of outdoor schools in a bag. All children must have a pair of indoor schools/trainers on. Remember coats, hats ,glove etc.. as it is still quite cold outdoor.