Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 24th March – Day 2

Dear Parents and Year 5s,

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. Please bear in mind the following:

  • The activities we have provided are a guide for what you might work through with your year 5 child each day.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If you feel like the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

P.S Mr M and his 6 year old, Oscar, completed the live Joe Wicks workout on Monday morning! Joe Wicks is live every morning during school closure to teach PE to children (and adults!!) of all ages – for free!!  You can find him on YouTube – searching “The Body Coach TV” – well worth doing!! Watch this space over the next few days as Mrs M has threatened to share some footage!!

Follow this for the link:  Tuesday 24th March Home learning

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 23rd March

Dear parents and year 5s,

Please find attached the year 5 home learning activities for tomorrow. Please bear in mind the following:

  • The activities we have provided are a guide for what you might work through with your year 5 child each day.
  • You may wish to complete additional work using the links provided on the school website or suggestions on the NJS Home Learning information page in the Home Learning books.
  • If you feel like the activities provided are too challenging or too much for your child, please adapt the work or amount that you do. There is no obligation to complete every activity set each day.

Make the most of this extra time at home to enjoy and learn things you wouldn’t normally have time for.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Love Miss H, Mr M and Mr L x

Monday 23rd March Home learning

maths week 1 Mon & Tues- multiply fraction by integer