Yr 6 Shrewsbury Parent Pay – Updated.

We have been made aware of issues when attempting to find the Yr 6 trip to Shrewsbury on parent pay. This was due to an issue with our original upload attempt at the end of the half term, however this has now been resolved and the trip should now be available for you to access. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Yr 6 Tudor Visit – Letter Home

Children in Yr 6 will be bringing home a letter today with information regarding our upcoming visit to Shrewsbury. This visit is built into our History curriculum work. Permission should be given via Parent Pay and we ask for a voluntary contribution to ensure the visit can go ahead.

If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact your child’s class teacher. A copy of the letter is attached to this post.

Shrewsbury Tudor 24


Good morning everyone,

I hope that you have found the resources shared this week helpful. Tomorrow, the children will all be completing some tasks within the classroom. Look out for any posts about this from the teachers!

I am going to leave this final resource in the hope that it helps! Positive affirmations are a fantastic tool to support children with a variety of emotions. They help children think positively which can support a change in mindset.

Positive Affirmations

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

Y5/6 Cricket

We had an amazing time at the T&W Indoor Cricket tournament today. We were the only school to enter two sides and we competed well during the tournament.

Yr 6 Wax Work

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Wax Work Day.

Yr 6 children have been told they can come to school in their costume, and bring along any accessories or props with them in a bag.

Children have had lots of time in lesson this week to finish their biographies and are very excited to show their work off tomorrow afternoon.

Please see the original website post from Mrs Moody for more information on the structure of the day.

See you tomorrow.

10 class stars for 6B

Having reached 10 class stars, 6B will have a film on the afternoon of Friday 9th February. Children do not need to bring anything in, Mrs Bold will provide some snacks to have with the film.

If your child has any specific allergies, and you would prefer to send a snack of your own choosing, then please feel free.


Good morning everyone,

Today, I am going to share some fantastic techniques to support children when needed. The first is a breathing technique and helps children focus to support feeling calm.

Star Breathing

Another technique I would suggest is the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method. This is great for helping children stop and focus on what is around them. This is really useful if children feel overwhelmed and can support helping them to stay calm.

5 4 3 2 1 – Grounding Mindfulness technique

I hope that you find these useful!

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning everyone,

Following on from my post yesterday, I thought I would share a fantastic resource produced by Place2be. This year is the 10th year of Children’s mental health week by Place2be. Below you will find some top tips for families as well as some great conversation starters.

CMHW – Top Tips for Families

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


This week is the official Place2Be Children’s Mental Health Week!

Children’s mental health week is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children! At NJS, we will be supporting children’s mental health week and completing a variety of tasks throughout the school week. This year the theme is…

Keep an eye out for what we get up to this week! I will also be sharing a variety of resources each day to support with any conversations you may have at home.

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw