Year 6 Arthog Parents Meeting

Friday 21st October

3.15pm in the School Hall

At this meeting you will have access to:

  • Medical forms
  • Children and Parents Residential contracts
  • kit lists
  • More information about the residential.

Please remember this residential is 28th November – 2nd December 2022.

Year 6 change of dates for swimming

Dear parents/ carers,
On Tuesday 18th October, the year 6 children have been invited to a Quidditch Tournament at Burton Borough School. This is a very exciting opportunity for us but clashes with our swimming day. So just for that week, year 6 swimming has been changed to MONDAY 17TH OCTOBER.
We will give out more reminders nearer the time. The tournament is during normal school hours.
Thanks for your help and support.

Class 6B Assembly

Dear parents,
Just a quick reminder that 6B’s Class Assembly is on Thursday 6th October at 2:30pm in the hall. We’re looking forward to sharing all our hard work with you.
See you Thursday!

Year 6 Wrekin Trip

Year 6 had a great time at the Wrekin this morning. We all made it to the top! Unfortunately, it was a bit foggy right at the top, but we enjoyed our lunch half way down. All children were extremely well behaved.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Parents of 6B

Good afternoon,
The parents of all the children in 6B are invited to our class assembly on Thursday 6th October at 2:30pm in the hall.
We look forward to showing you some things we have been doing in class!


Year 6 Parents and Carers

The Year 6 group are due to visit the Wrekin on Friday as part of their Geography work.  We currently only have 50 children with consent and have insufficient funds to cover the cost of this visit.

Please can we access Year 6 parents/carers to access ParentPay to consent for this visit and make a contribution.  If we do not have sufficient by this time tomorrow we may have to cancel this visit.

Thank you for your support.