Hello and welcome to the MUSIC page!

Here you will find lots of information regarding the music curriculum at Newport Junior School. Music is a valuable skill for children and taught through different topics. The knowledge gained will support children as they move their way through our school and even into secondary school.

Please find attached some documents you may find useful:
The picture below shows the topic order chosen for our school from year 3-6. Each half term, the children will start a new topic!

The assessment grids from year 3-6 with the substantive and disciplinary knowledge the children will gain from each unit of work.
Music Assessment Grids GS4M
The curriculum we follow at Newport Junior School can be found here with the progression ladders for composing, performing and listening. You will also find a vocabulary pyramid containing specific terminology for each year.
Music Curriculum 24-25
Below you will find our music policy.
Music Policy 2024
The final link is to our school music development plan. We will continue to update this as it is a working document.
NJS Music Development Plan 24-25

Here at NJS the children experience music in a variety of ways:
- Through interactive music lessons.
- Through singing assemblies and worship time as a whole school family or within classrooms.
- Rocksteady lessons – children can sign up for these lessons where they become a band and perform 3 concerts a year.
- Individual/Small group lessons – Through Telford and Wrekin, we currently have children enrolled in Violin, Keyboard and Drum lessons.
- A school choir who attend many events across the academic year including my personal favourite… Young Voices!
- And so much more!