Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park Visit Tuesday 6th October

Dear Parents and Carers,

Tomorrow is the Year 3 visit day to Chetwynd Deer Park. Children will be walking to and from the park. We aim to be back by 3:15pm – please bear with us if we are a little late, as our normal pick-up slot is between 3:15pm-3:30pm at the end of the school day.

All Year 3 children have been briefed in school about what to do / bring / wear, but for clarity, here is the list:

  • Wear own clothes. No uniform necessary. Dress warm, in clothes that can get muddy.
  • Bring waterproof coat.
  • Wear wellies, or waterproof walking boots, suitable for getting muddy.
  • Bring own packed lunch and drink (if your child receives free school meals, they will already have been provided for).
  • Bring a bag of extra dry clothes and shoes to wear afterwards, in the event of extreme weather!

Please contact either Mr Butler, Miss Watson or Mr Parker via email if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

A warm welcome to all new year 3 parents and children, from Mr Butler, Miss Watson and Mr Parker. We hope your children are settling in well  – they certainly seem keen, from our perspective!

Reading and Homelinks

Children should all now have their Reading Records, Homelink Diaries (for messages) and a reading book from the school library. A book ‘matched’ to their reading ability will be sent home over the course of the next few weeks, whilst we assess them. Please ensure children have these every day in their bags, to bring into class. Also please check your child’s home link book every day for any messages, or letters. Usually, letters are posted at the same time on the website, but some letters (see below) are not, as they contain login information.

Times Tables Rock Stars

Over the next few days by the end of the week, children should be bringing home a letter about Times Tables Rock Stars, and a login, which is stuck to the inside of their Homelink book. We would like to encourage you to get your children to login daily to play Times Tables Rock Stars for at least five minutes, so that they can develop their times tables ability. The program should start to recognise your child’s ability, and adjust the tables accordingly, once they have played at least 10 or so games.

Fiction Express

We are getting through the issuing of logins for Fiction Express (an online book library) which children can have access to at home and read books from. This should be completed by the end of next week. Once issued, their logins can be found on the inside front cover of the home link books.  Please try to encourage some reading of ‘real’ books also, at least once a day.

Emergency Contact Information

It has come to our attention that some children have still not returned their contact information to the office. If your child is ill, we will find it difficult to contact you. Please return these ASAP. Thank you if you have already done this.

That’s all for now. If you have any questions, please email your child’s class teacher or contact the School Office on the following emails:

School Office:

Thank you for your support,


The Year 3 Team.




A Guide to Parental Controls

Dear Parents,

Parental Controls booklet 2020 WORD document

Parental Controls booklet 2020 PDF document

Attached is a guide to parental controls for the following online devices:

Operating Systems, Home Internet, Consoles, Social Media, TV/Streaming, Search Engines, Smart Devices and Mobiles.

Hopefully, this will be of some use whilst childrne are accessing devices more frequently.


Mr Butler

ParentZone resources – supporting your child to go back to school.

Dear Parents,

Below are links to the popular ParentZone website, on the following topics:

Returning to school: 8 tips to help your child after lockdown

Year 6 tips How to prepare for Secondary School life after Lockdown

Fun (and free) online learning for your child

Roblox: a parents’ guide

Simply click on the links, or if this doesn’t work, complete a google search for the article.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Great efforts from 3B!

Congratulations to Adam in 3B, for taking part in the world’s biggest online Art lesson, and for completing one hour of the popular Hour of Code activities. Let’s have more like this!

The certificate below is from the Hour of Code website, which is free to use. Why don;t you give it a try? There are a variety of activities, ranging from dance games, to Minecraft coding, to Flappy Bird games. Upon completion, you can download and personalise your certificate, like this one:

Well done Adam!


Mr Butler