Careers Fair – Thursday 13th February. 1.30pm – 3pm

Parents and Carers,

Can you help? This is a call out to anyone who can help with our Careers Fair or can suggest someone else who might be able to come along and support us. The fair will be set up in the hall on Thursday 13th February between 1.30pm and 3pm.

If you are available and would be happy to let the children talk to you about your job, then please get in touch.

Thank you,

Mr Rotherham


Year 4 Pet Day- Brighter Days Rescue Dog Shelter

As part of the Year 4 children’s Pet Day they will be visited by a Penkridge based charity, Brighter Days Rescue.

Careers Fair- Thursday 13th February

Dear Parents/ Carers,

On Thursday 13th February we will be holding a Careers Fair in the school hall, where all children will have the opportunity to visit the hall and talk to people about the job they do.

The idea is to inspire and engage the children in whole range of jobs they might like to do in the future. Children will be thinking about how the skills they learn in school are transferred into future careers.

The Careers Fair will be between 1.30pm and 3pm. The hall will be set out with tables, like a market.

Can you help? If you are available and are prepared to be in our hall ready to talk about your job, then we would love to include you in our Careers Fair. You may decide to bring in things to show to the children or leaflets to give out.

Ideally, I would love a range of Careers represented in the hall.

If you are able to offer your time to help then please phone the school office or email me directly: 

Thank you,

Mr Rotherham

Pet Day- Friday 24th January

Children will have brought home a letter last night outlining our exciting Pet Day on Friday 24th January. A copy of that letter is included here too.

It is a fab day, with the intention of learning all about how to care for our pets.

The reply slip is to be returned to the teacher outlining permission for your child to participate. (Any child who is anxious around animals will not be expected to be around those animals and will be safely away from pets when in class)

Teacher would like to hear about any pets that children have and that may be available to be brought in by yourself for a short, timed visit in school. Teachers will arrange this with you directly as they will be wanting to arrange a range of different pets across the day.

Sadly, not everyone will be able to bring a pet into school. We will be encouraging any child who wants to talk and share about their pet to bring in a photograph to share. There will be time in the day for everyone to talk about their own pet.

We are excited to say we are being visited by local vet, Mike Madden and also by Jelly Exotic Pets, who will be talking to the children during the day too.

Sounds like a fun day!!

Paws Claws and Whiskers 2025

64 Million Artists January Challenge.

You may remember that NJS have signed up to the 64 Million Artists January Challenge. An initiative that aims to inspire and encourage all kinds of creativity through quick mini artistic challenges.

There is a daily challenges are currently up and running and you can see here those posted so far.

Creative Prompts 2025 – 64 Million Artists


Dinner menu change for next week.

We have been notified by the kitchen there will be a change to dinner menu for Tuesday and Thursday next week.

Tuesday- Chicken Curry

Thursday – Pizza

Concerns raised about cars on Avenue Road

Concerns have been raised around the way some parents are driving and parking along Avenue road, especially at drop off time in the morning. Cars have been seen to mount the kerbs as children and other parents are walking along. The advice given by the Police in this matter is for parents with concerns to call 101 directly to report those traffic concerns or to do so through the Telford and Wrekin Public Protection site and contact the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team.

Introduction – Civil parking enforcement (CPE) – Telford & Wrekin Council

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