3W thank you!

Dear 3W,

Firstly, welcome back and happy new year!

Secondly, thank you for such a lovely meeting this morning! It was so lovely to see you all (even through a screen!). You were all so happy and grown up and it really cheered my up. I know we are all missing being at school but your attitude was amazing this morning.

You make me proud to be your teacher.
Keep up all your great attitude, see you in the morning

Miss W x

3W Alex’s Leaflet

In English this week we have been researching features, reading, planning and writing our own leaflets!

Alex has worked really hard on his leaflet. His presentation is beautiful and the content is fabulous too! Alex also picked a brilliant topic!

Keep up all the hard work Alex!

3W’s James – features of a leaflet

James worked incredibly hard on his English task yesterday. It’s not his favourite lesson as he prefers to be outside in the garden but yesterday he produced a brilliant piece of work on features of a leaflet!

He included so many of the details and really took his time to make sure he didn’t miss anything. He certainly looks impressed with himself!


Keep up all the great work James,

Well done

Miss W