MESSAGE FOR 4J and 4S – TEAMs 25.02.21

Good afternoon everyone!

This message is for the children in 4S and 4J who are currently at home accessing teams. For tomorrow (25.02.21), please could you have a strong zip-lock bag (medium or large in size). The bag needs one clear side (or 2) so you can draw on it! They will also need a marker pen (permanent will be easier).

You may wish to have some blue food colouring but this isn’t essential.

This is for our science lesson! All will be revealed tomorrow!

Miss Jones


Home Learning – 12.02.21

Hello Year 4!

Just today to go and then you have February half term… you have all worked so hard since the start of the new year! We are proud of you all!

Some slight changes to the home learning today… With your guided reading and other topic we have decided to link Chinese New Year! The two separate activities are on the same slide. For the reading you will need to use the information provided on the slides or your own research. For the other activity, please choose one or more of the documents attached below. ENJOY!

Home Learning:

Friday 12th February PDF

Friday 12th February

Other Activity choices:

Chinese dragon to make

chinese new year word search

dragon mask outline

fortune telling Chinese dragon

We cannot wait to see what you all come up with today! Make sure you e-mail any work to

Have a safe and happy half term everyone!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Year 4 – Friday 12th February – TEAMs

Good afternoon Year 4!

This is a message for all the children who are currently accessing TEAMs at home. You have all worked so hard this half term so on Friday, we are going to try a new session.

Our aim is to provide your children with the chance to catch up with one another through the TEAMs session. They have spent 6 weeks listening and responding to us therefore, it is now their turn.

The plan… we will set up a regular TEAMs session for your children to join. I (Miss J), Mrs J and Mr Leonard will all be joining the sessions. As we often have 14+, a catch-up session would be harder to manage. Therefore, we will be creating different ‘breakout’ spaces through TEAMs. This means the children will be split into smaller groups at random. In each room will have an adult to listen carefully and for safety purposes. The rooms will be open for a period for the children to catch up with one another.

We cannot guarantee if children will be together as it will be done at random. We ask that all children are respectful and use it as an opportunity to chat to their peers!

Please be mindful that setting this up may take some time so Mr L or Mrs J will occupy the children whilst I create the spaces. When the time is up, we will bring all the children back together!

We hope that the children look forward to being able to catch up all be it… virtually!

At the moment the times will be as follows: The session length may be shorter, this depends on how long it takes to set up each room.

4NJ – 9:30am – 10:15am

4J – 10:15am – 11:00am

4S – 11:00am – 11:45am

Thank you!

The Year 4 Team x

Home Learning – 10.02.21

Good morning Year 4!

Well today is the day… you are getting the chance to write your explanation text! To help you out, we have provided an example about ‘The Classroom Tidy’.

We hope you enjoy all of your home learning and we look forward to your live lessons.

Wednesday 10th February PDF

Wednesday 10th February

Not long to half term now… keep up the great work!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Home Learning – 09.02.21

Good morning everyone!

We absolutely loved your designs yesterday for your inventions. Some of them were very creative and would prove very useful for Wallace and Gromit.

We hope you enjoy the home learning for today…

Tuesday 9th February PDF

Tuesday 9th February

To fit with the theme of Online Safety, we have decided to set you a challenge! This is a challenge for us adults as well… but we can do it! Since starting our home learning in January, we have been spending much more time in front of a screen. Your challenge is to have a screen free afternoon. We will also be trying to complete this as well… so we know how difficult it may seem. You have designed screen-free activities for George in your home learning so why don’t you try some of them? Your reading and art activity can be done without a screen so check what you need to do in the morning so you can complete them without the use of a screen. This challenge is across the whole school so if you have any siblings at NJS, they will also be trying to avoid the use of the screen!

We are looking forward to your sharing how you go on with your screen free afternoon on TEAMS tomorrow!

Good Luck – I know the teachers will need it!

The Year 4 Team x