Good morning everyone,

I hope that you have had a wonderful half term! This week is one of my favourite activities to do during a busy week at school. During the summer, we often pop outside to complete the grounding technique you will find below!

Simply go for a walk or even find a quiet spot to lie down and follow the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 steps!

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x

5OP – Beech’s Base! 05.06.23

Good afternoon everyone from 5OP!

We hope that you have all had a wonderful half term!

Just a quick reminder about Beech’s Base tomorrow afternoon. You will need to bring your Beech’s base kit as normal – be mindful of the weather and old clothes will be better (incase you get muddy).

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x


Good morning,

This week you will find a simple breathing activity. Sometimes when we feel a range of emotions, a quick breathing exercise can help us. Following the picture below, you can complete the exercise anywhere and anytime. Have a go and see how it makes you feel!

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x


Good morning everyone,

This week I thought I would share a simple activity you could create at home. The emotion wheel below can be used with children of all ages, who are struggling to express their current feelings. The wheel gives children to chance to share how they are feeling and this can open many conversations at home.

Using the wheel on a regular basis will help children see the changing nature of their feelings and can help reduce anxiety around feeling a certain way. You could create the one I’ve provided or even design your own as a family!

Emotion Wheel

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x


Good afternoon,

Today the guardians of safety shared an assembly with the pupils of NJS about Mental Health Week. In this assembly, they introduced something new we will be doing called ‘Walk and Talk’. What a better way to introduce the concept by having a whole school version? The children were brilliant and so many let us know how lovely it was to slow down and have a conversation with someone.

Class teachers can pick a time once a week to continue this new idea!

Mrs Ollerenshaw x

Year 5 Mosque Trip!

What a brilliant and informative trip year 5 children have had visiting a local mosque. The children’s behaviour was impeccable and they should be extremely proud of themselves. They asked very inquisitive and appropriate questions and drew lots of similarities and differences between Islam and many religions such as Christianity.

This trip will certainly help build our learning as we continue Islam for the rest of the summer term.

Mental Health Week…

Hello again!

The guardians have been busy in preparation for Mental Health Week! Isla and Daisy both offered to read a story that can help with anxiety or worries.

Isla is reading ‘The Worrysaurus’ by Rachel Bright! 

Daisy is reading ‘Gretel the Wonder Mammoth’ by Kim Hillyard.

These links will be great to share with your children if they are worried or feel anxious about something! Books are a great way of sharing key messages with children for a range of topics.

We hope you enjoy these videos!

Mrs Ollerenshaw x


Guardians of Safety… Mental Health Week Message!

The guardians of safety have been working very hard to prepare for Mental Health Week! This week in school they will be delivering a message to the children about the theme for this year… Anxiety. They also wanted to share the same message with all the parents/carers!

Anxiety Video GOS

Look out for what the NJS pupils get up to this week! We will add more as the week goes on.

Mindfulness tip: Sometimes when things get on top of us, a simple walk can do wonders! Go for a walk with someone and get some fresh air!