Mosque trip 16.05.23! Reminders for children…

The children will be attending Wellington Islamic Mosque. This trip has been set up through our link with Hollinswood Multicultural Service and has been planned to follow up on the Year 5 Beliefs and Values topic of Islam. Children will be attending during the afternoon and therefore, will have lunch as normal at NJS.

During the visit the children will have an opportunity to explore the Mosque, making comparisons between the building and a Christian church, ask questions to the Imam and also be able to make links between the classroom based learning they have done and what this looks like in reality.

For the upcoming visit to the mosque, the children will be required to come to school prepared with the following:

  1. School uniform is appropriate for visiting the mosque however as much skin as possible needs to be covered. For example: tights to be worn, leggings, jumpers/cardigans (down to wrists).
  2. The girls are required to wear a headscarf to cover their hair. Boys are required to bring a hat or cap to cover their hair also.



Good morning,

This week is the start of Mental Health Week! The theme this year is anxiety. Over the week, we will add more information including something new being introduced at NJS!

To start the week off, I have attached simple affirmations! If you begin to feel overwhelmed, pause and repeat some of the affirmations to yourself.

  • I am safe.
  • I am brave.
  • I can move past this moment.
  • I am in charge.
  • As I breathe, I am calm and relaxed.

An affirmation is usually a sentence, a sentence of powerful words put together, like a positive statement, and this sentence is aimed to tap into your conscious and unconscious mind to motivate you, to challenge you, to push you to reach your full potential. 

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x


Good morning!

This week, I thought I would start with a way of reducing stress! This is a simple technique that when we begin to feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can ground our emotions.

The lemniscate pattern, known as the figure of 8, activates glands within the brain which results in making us feel happier. It cancels out the stress chemicals!

Try this technique for 20-30 seconds! 

This technique is simple but one of the most powerful techniques we can use!

Have a go,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x

Design and Technology – Year 5!

Good morning,

Over the next couple of weeks, the children will be designing and making a bottle rocket! In order for the children to make the rockets, we are asking if you could possibly send any of the following materials into school:

Bottles – plastic – Large (2L) or small and a variety of sizes. 

Carboard – varying thickness

Bottle corks (All shapes and sizes)

We can’t wait to show you our final products and we hope that they will fly in the air!

Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team

Mental Health Awareness Week! 5PJ

This week it is children’s mental health awareness week. We will completing a range of activities to help understand mental health further and ways we can support our mental health.

We’ve started with a simple puzzle… a 5PJ puzzle. What makes us uniquely 5PJ? We are all individual but together we make our classroom shine.