Thank You

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to say Thank You to everyone who tuned in for the quiz on Tuesday. I really enjoyed hosting it. If you took any photos of you completing it, I will pop them up online. Would love to see a photo of Mary’s Musketeers with the turkey participating!

My email address is

Take care and I will try and organise another one.

Love Mrs Kuczynska 🙂 xxx

Year 4 Home Learning – Friday 24th April

Happy St George’s Day All!

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Please find attached the Home Learning for tomorrow (Friday). Feel free to email me with any questions or updates! My email address is


Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Friday 24th April

 Friday Maths 1 Star and Friday 1 star Writing Frame.docx

Friday Maths 2 Star.docx

Friday Maths 3 Star.docx

Rivers Reading Comprehension 1 2 and 3 star

Year 4 Home Learning *PHOTO*

Tilly in 4NJ has created a super Stay Home poster. Great information for an important message. Well Done Tilly!

Thank you for sharing your photo 🙂

Year 4 Home Learning *Photo*

James B in 4NJ has been very busy baking and preparing a vegetable patch this week. Well Done to James and his Dad! I love your art work but the chocolate cake is my favourite!

Thank you for sharing your photos 🙂

Thursday 23rd April 2020 – Keyworkers at NJS

We have had a fabulous day with the children today. This morning they have made milk carton bird feeders and bird feed. This afternoon they have done some Just Dance, had Ice Lollies and we have fitted in some learning from the packs too!

Take Care and Stay Safe 🙂

Year 4 – Home Learning Thursday 23rd April 2020

Hi Year 4,

I hope you enjoyed singing the French song today? Please find attached the work for tomorrow (Thursday). If there are any questions please email me at


Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Thursday 23rd April

Thursday Maths 1 Star

Thursday Maths 2 Star

Thursday Maths 3 Star

St George Story







Year 4 Home Learning – Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good afternoon,

How did your art work turn out? Did anyone try completing with patterns?Please find attached tomorrow’s (Wednesday’s) Home Learning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me:

Take care and stay safe.


Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Wednesday 22nd April

Wednesday Maths 1 Star

Wednesday Maths 2 Star

Wednesday Maths 3 Star

Year 4 Home Learning *TODAY*

Good Morning,

I think there may be some problems with opening today’s home learning. I have attached it to this post so hopefully it will now work. If it doesn’t please let me know and I can email directly over to you. My email address is


Take Care

Mrs Kuczynska 🙂

Home Learning Tuesday 21st April

Instruction Examples

Tuesday Maths 1 Star

Tuesday Maths 2 Star Extension       Tuesday Maths 2 Star.docx

Tuesday Maths 3 Star

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