Year 5 paper copies

Good afternoon Year 5 children and parents,

There is now a folder in the drop box by the main school gate labelled ‘Year 5 Home Learning Paper Copies.’ This is for families who do not have internet access and cannot view the home learning slides electronically. There is a pocket in the folder labelled with each day and subject for you to help yourself to. Please only take 1 copy per family.

We have tried our hardest this week to not set work which requires a printer and this will continue. We will try and always give an alternative idea if it cannot be helped.

Many thanks for your support and kind messages this week, they have been greatly received. We are so proud of how well the children (and parents!!) have already adapted to online learning and we are looking forward to seeing them virtually again next week.

Have a relaxing weekend and take care,

Love Miss H, Mr M & Mr L x

Year 5 appropriate behaviour on Teams

Good afternoon,

Please find attached the slides that we have shared with the year 5s this week to remind them about appropriate behaviour during our Teams lessons. The children have coped fantastically this week with our new style of teaching and their behaviour and attitudes have been excellent! Well done everyone.

Thanks and take care, The Y5 Team xxx

Y5 rules and behaviour for online lessons

Year 5 at Chetwynd Deer Park

Year 5 have spent half a day at the deer park today and the other half of the day having a treat and a film. We had lots of fun in the great outdoors and enjoyed relaxing back at school. The children have behaved impeccably from beginning to end, working fantastically at the paired activities and representing NJS very, very well. They should be very proud of themselves! Well done Year 5, we hope you have all enjoyed your wellbeing treat day as much as we did. Have a lovely weekend. Love Miss H, Mr M, Mr L and Mrs T x


Year 5 lost property

There are several year 5 children who have lost items of uniform or coats. All items found un-named in the year 5 area or left on the playground after break/lunch are put into the year 5 lost property box, which is outside the year 5 toilets in our block. A couple of children have lost jumpers which aren’t in lost property, but there are many, many jumpers there! Please can all year 5s check their uniform at home this weekend and return any that they may have accidentally taken home. If you’re missing any, please remind your children to look at the lost property box next week. If uniform is un-named, it is virtually impossible to return them to the right children so PLEASE name all your child’s stuff!

Many thanks and have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

5H home learning day 9 Friday 20th November

Hello 5H! Here is your home learning for tomorrow. You made it!!! It’s the last day!!! I cannot wait to see you all in real life on Monday and get back to normal. You have done so, so well over the past 2 weeks. I am incredibly proud of you! I will be on Teams at 11.00am tomorrow and we will read chapter 3 of Cosmo Mars together. Love Miss H xxx

5H home learning Day 9 Friday 20th November

5H home learning day 7 Wednesday 18th November

Hello there 5H! Thank you again for joining me on the Teams meeting this morning. Once again I loved seeing and chatting with you all! You are all working very hard at home and should be proud of yourselves. Here is your home learning for tomorrow. I will be doing another Teams with you at 10.00am so I look forward to seeing you then. I am going to go through the English with you, quickly chat about the maths and read a few more chapters of the story we started today. See ya tomorrow! Love Miss H xxx

Also, we have something really exciting planned for next week…a trip! I have attached the letter below and Mrs Moody is going to send it via Parentmail as well. I will give you a paper copy of the letter next week so you can return the slip then – this electronic version is just for your information.

5H home learning Day 7 Wednesday 18th November

Year 5 letter re chetwynd park wellbeing visit

5H home learning day 6 Tuesday 17th November

Hello 5H! Once again, it was just so so SO lovely to see you on Teams today. Here is your work for tomorrow (Tuesday.) I will be doing the maths with you on Teams at 11 o’clock again. You will receive an invite as usual via parentmail from Mrs M. See you tomorrow! Love Miss Hardy xxx

5H home learning Day 6 Tuesday 17th November

Science slides Tues 17th