Yr 6 Homework Wk 5

Year 6 Homework for Week 5.
Due in on Wednesday 11th October.
1. Complete spelling words and paragraph using words in context.
2. Complete palindrome worksheet.
3. Complete multi-step addition & subtraction problems in context.

Please ensure your homework is presented to a high standard and given to your teacher on time.

Attachments of the homework tasks can be found here:



Y3-4Spellings 1-110

6J Tag Rugby Lesson

6J completed their first taste of Tag Rugby in PE last week. We began the unit by looking at some of the key skills: agility, passing, catching and moving into space. There is a Yr 5/6 Tag Rugby tournament coming up so it was great to see lots of children giving the sport a go!

6J Beliefs & Values – Exploring Worldviews

6J have been exploring worldviews in Beliefs & Values today. We have spent time looking at the belief of Humanism.

Here are some quotes from the children of 6J after today’s lesson:

“I’ve enjoyed learning about a new topic, I didn’t even know Humanists existed before today…” Kacey Mae

“It’s a lot more fun when we get to learn using stories we haven’t heard before…” Kayla 

“It has been interesting because I can link it to my own thoughts, it’s nice to learn about things other than the main religions we normally do…” Brianna

“I’ve liked it because if you are a Humanist, or agnostic, then you will feel like your beliefs have been included in our school…” Daisy

Yr 6 Homework Wk 3

Year 6 Homework due in Wednesday 27th September

  1. Complete spelling practise of statutory spellings words.  Y3-4Spellings 1-110 (Pg 3 in document)
  2. Complete adjectives worksheet. adjectives
  3. Complete Maths Frame Place Value activity – Writing numerals and digits up to 1 million.
  4. Place Value Interactive game is available here: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/274/Reading_Numbers_Crystal_Crash 


6J Daily Maths Challenge

Here is a shot of the daily maths challenge attempted in 6J today!

We have done a couple of these recently, and after finding them challenging last week, 6J have really started to get to grips with the Consecutive Number Challenge.

We found that the best strategy is the look for the box which has the least number of possibilities. E.g. there are 10 even numbers between 0 and 20, but only 2 cubed number.

We would love for you to have a go at these alongside your children.