Book Poem Winner

Well done to Isla from 5M who completed a Book Poem in the same style as the one I had shared in assembly. I hope you enjoy it too!

On Monday I entered a book,

I jumped to my feet and did a back tuck.

On Tuesday I looked for a ghost in the hall,

While investigating I was having a ball.

On Wednesday I saw a robot from space,

A new journey we just had to chase.

On Thursday I went to my Gran to deliver food,

A nasty old wolf put me in a mood.

On Friday I got taken in a jar by a giant,

He was tall and big, but looked like a pig.

On Saturday I went on a spy mission catching SCORPIA,

I could sense that victory was near!

On Sunday I saw an old women rob a bank,

All of her jewellery and gold went clank!

Where will I go next week?

Book Day Parade Tomorrow…

Please make your way to the main playground from your drop off point for 9am to watch our Book Day Parade.

Classes will be brought out in turn to do some laps of the playground to show off their costumes!

Please can parents stand around the outside of the playground outside of the cones.

Parents can exit through the double green gates following the parade.

Thank you all for your support.