Summer Fair: Raffle Help!

We are hoping to organise a raffle for our Summer Fair and would love some exciting prizes to encourage people to donate to School Fund.

If you know anyone or are yourself connected to a local business that may be able to donate a prize we would be very grateful: please email and we would happily collect if needed.

Thank you for your support.

Year 4 Sports Day Tomorrow!

We are looking forward to seeing parents, family and friends to support Year 4 Sports Day tomorrow afternoon:

*Children to come to school in their PE kit including a t shirt ideally in their house colour or white if it is not possible.

*Start time 1.30pm.

*The Security Gate in front of the office will be open 1.20-1.30pm.

*Bring your chairs if you can!

*Refreshments will be on sale: bring your pennies to support School Fund!  Ice pops available for the children at the end of the afternoon for 50p.