Maths Monthly Edition 2

Please find attached the second edition of our maths news letter: Maths Monthly! There is an updated TTRS leader board showing the fastest rockers across the school, plus a maths riddle and 3 different problem solving challenges to attempt.

It also shows what each year group has been learning this week, plus a question that parents/carers at home can ask children to see how well they have remembered their maths from school!

Edition 2

Book Fair Online Payment

The Book Fair has an on line payment system for parents wishing to pay by card at the fair.

You will still be able to buy books using cash and Book Day Book Tokens are valid at the Book Fair. One Token per book purchase.

Follow the link, enter the school’s postcode (TF10 7EA) and click on Newport Junior School. From this parents will be able to enter their card details to purchase a book.