Trip reminder… Attingham Park

We are all looking forward to our trip to Attingham Park tomorrow (13/11/18). Children need to come into school at normal time and we will be leaving at 9:15am. The children will need to bring a packed lunch with them and plenty of drinks for the day.

As we are experiencing colder weather, we would advise children to wear or bring a hat and gloves. They will be outside for most of the day so warm clothing is a must. The children are building dens outside so we would also suggest that the clothes are warm and potentially old.

We will be back by the end of the school day.

Thank you!



One more for luck…

Finally, the P.E times have changed as a result of year 4 swimming.

4S will have P.E on a Monday afternoon.

4J will have P.E on a Thursday afternoon.

4F will continue to have P.E on a Friday.


The children will be delighted to hear that the swimming pool is not going to be closed after half term. Therefore, we will be swimming on a Tuesday every week until Christmas.

Children will need a one piece costume or trunks; a towel and a swimming cap. If for any reason you would like your child to be excused from swimming that week, please send them into school with a letter explaining why.

Thank you,


Half term homework!

When we return to school, it is national Peace week to celebrate the end of the First World War. Therefore, we are asking the children to research a local war hero… Wilfred Owen. They can decide what they would like to research and can present it in a poster or a fact file. The purpose of this will help support our Literacy as we explore two boys who grew up and went to war together. The research will help children recognise a real life perspective of WW1.

Spellings Wk 9

On top of this, the spellings are continuing to look into plurals. They will be tested on their spellings the first Friday back.

Even though it is half term, the children are still expected to read at least 3 times a week with an adult and record their reading in their diaries.

Homework is due in Monday 5th or Tuesday 6th of November.

Have a great week off!


Swimming Reminder!

We are going to be able to use our pool next week so we would like to give the children a chance to swim.

Children will need their swimming kit on the days mentioned below:

Monday 9th July Year 3 children will swim in the afternoon.

Tuesday 10th July Year 4 children will swim in the afternoon.

Year 6 did manage to get a swimming session this week so we will arrange for Year 5 to swim next Monday (16th July)

Thank you.