Christmas Play!

Just a polite reminder for our Christmas play on Thursday 13th September. The children need to arrive no later than 5:40pm. The doors will open at 5:30pm. The children will go to their classroom to change for the production and then make their way to the stage.

Children can be taken home after the performance. Any children in school costumes will need to get changed at the end so that they can be left in school.

Thank you for your co-operation.

The year 4 team.

Costumes – Lights Camel Action!

After raiding the drama cupboard, we have found some costumes for our Christmas production. If your child is one of the following, we have a costume for them in school.

Innkeeper’s wife, Mary, Joseph, Camels, Wise men, Angels, Shepherds and Innkeepers.

The following children will need to find a costume for the production.

Donkey – A donkey costume.

Caesar – A roman style costume.

Nazareth townspeople, husband and wife – Brown and grey clothing.

Sheep – A sheep costume

Star – All gold or silver clothing

Singers – Brown and grey clothing

Jive dancers – Bright clothing

Disco dancers – Bright and sparkly clothing

Tango dancers – Shirt and trousers (a tie if possible)

Line dancers – brown and grey clothing, a cowboys hat (only if you have one)


Thank you!


Lights Camel Action

We are very excited for you to come and see our Christmas production this year! The children are working exceptionally hard and you’ll be able to see how much fun we have had putting it together.

Mrs Sisson, Mrs Potter and myself will be making decisions on any costumes that children need to wear for the production after school.

We will talk these through with the children tomorrow and send them home with a slip. Please use things that you have got around your house to create a costume.

Any children who are hosts in the production already know they are required to wear all black and one item in the colour that they have been given.

Thank you for your continued support!

The Year 4 team


This week for homework the children will be given spellings to learn. The spellings are Christmas themed and they will be tested on Friday 7th December.

Spellings Wk 13

In their homework books, the children have a new times tables task to complete. Alongside this the children need to read 3 times before next week.

We have decided to give children the opportunity the learn their lines for the Christmas production. Therefore, homework will only be spellings, reading and times tables.

Homework is due in Monday 3rd or Tuesday 4th December.

Homework – Week 12!

Homework- Spellings this week are topic based. The spelling test will be next Friday.

Spellings Wk 12

Times tables have always been a big part of the curriculum. From next September, there will be a times tables test in year 4. Children will only have 6 seconds per question. Therefore, each week, they will be receiving times tables homework to complete as well as reading 3 times and the set activity. We are starting with the 2x tables and will progress each week to secure the rapid recall.

This week, the children will come home with a fronted adverbial activity. Please read the guidance for parents, which contains an explanation so that you can help your child should they need it.

If you have any questions regarding homework, please do not hesitate to approach any of the year 4 teachers.

Finally, homework, which consists of: reading x3, spellings, times tables and an English activity, is due in Monday 26th or Tuesday 27th November.


The children in 4J and 4S will have P.E tomorrow. This will be outside so please can we remind them to bring their outdoor kits.

Thank you


Please see the attached spellings for the next week.

Spellings Wk 11

For homework, the children will be completing a comprehension task. Each question is for a specific reading skill (something which we have looked at in depth in guided reading). The children are more than welcome to highlight any information they feel they need in the question or the text itself.

Homework is due in Monday 19th or Tuesday 20th November. The spelling test will be Friday 23rd of November.

Finally, we will be swimming on Tuesday again until the end of this term.

Have a lovely weekend!