5PJ at Beech’s Base

For 5PJ’s visit to Beech’s Base the theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our History topic – The Victorians. We discussed when this period of time existed and how life would have been like. Some of the activities included exploring Den Building and Creating Peg Dolls and creating a Victorian Chemist role play game. The children were able to explain what the word ‘Era’ means. The children also used hand drills to make holes in conkers and played the traditional game.

Thanks for a super day 5PJ.

Mrs K x 🙂

5M to Beech’s Base 22/11/22

Please remember 5M will be attending Beech’s Base tomorrow (22/11/22) with Mrs K – they will need to wear their outdoor clothing and footwear which they can come into school wearing. I would suggest they have clean dry clothes with them to change into if needed. Please share this with any 5M parents you think may miss this.

Don’t forget the waterproofs and wellies!!

Mr M