
Dear Parents,

We are due to teach RSE – Relationships and Sex Education unit for Year 3. There will be a letter going home today so please look out for it in bags!

There is a slip that needs to be returned, not later than 8th July.

We look forward to receiving the slips in plenty of time.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Parent Letter RSE 2019

Yr 5/6 Cricket Club – Friday 14th June

Looking at the weather and the state of the school field, I think it best to cancel cricket for tomorrow.

However – if this is a problem for anyone with the short notice – the children are welcome to come to 5M to watch some World Cup cricket on the big screen (if necessary?!?!)


Mr M

Games/Athletics 28/11/18 – Cancelled

It is with great regret I am going to have to cancel our final games club of the year  this Wednesday (28/11).  Due to personal reasons I will not be able to run the final session.

I would like to thanks all pupils who have participated in the club through all weathers and been extremely engaged. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have running it.

I look forward to seeing many of you join me for another club in the coming new year.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Congratulations Mrs Jukes!

We are delighted with the news that Mrs Jukes has had a baby girl!  Florence Amelia Rose was born today weighing 8lb.  Everyone at NJS sends their congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jukes.