3T lunch and learn

It was wonderful to see so many parents/grandparents yesterday. Despite the tight squeeze, the children and I had lots of fun and really enjoyed your company.

Year 3 boys football v St Peter and Paul Friday 17th

Dear parents/careers,

Our game a week today is now a 3pm KO. Parents of the boys selected (who will have received a letter earlier this week) are welcome to watch from 3pm. All parents of children not playing will collect at the normal time.


Mr Tipton

Class 3B Fiction Express letter and Homework for this half term.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Class 3B children today received their logon information for Fiction Express, a reading website with hundreds of books available to read. You should also be in receipt of a letter explaining this.

Also, 3B were given their homework letter for this half term, which should be in their bags. This will be posted to the website shortly.
Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Class 3B PE tomorrow

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please ensure your child has an OUTDOOR P.E. kit tomorrow, as the hall will be out of use. This means joggers, sweater, t-shirt and trainers.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler

PE This half-term

Parents/Carers of Year 3

This half term our PE units are Handball and Dance. Please can you ensure your child is sent to school with their PE kit on a Monday and they are to be brought home on a Friday.

If you have any questions please speak to your child’s teacher.

Year 3 team.

Year 3 Lunch and Learn

REMINDER: Lunch and Learn sessions are taking place 11am-12.30pm on Tuesday 3L, Wednesday 3B and Thursday 3T.

Thank you to all parents and carers who have booked a space for these sessions…

On arrival at school we will take payment for your adult meal if you are having one: the cost is £3.12 (set by catering not ourselves!).  If you can possibly have the exact money this would really help us.

We hope these are enjoyable and beneficial sessions and we thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Year 3 Swimming and Homework next week

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a reminder that Year 3 will be swimming on TUESDAY next week, due to parents meetings on Monday.

If you have not yet made an appointment with your child’s class teacher for Monday, please contact via email, Homelink book or in person to arrange this important meeting about your child’s progress. You can request a phone call / TEAMS chat in the morning, or have an in-person meeting in the hall during the afternoon, although availability will be limited now. Other times / dates can also be arranged if required, although this is generally the exception, not the rule.

Finally, Year 3 homework is due around this time. Please send in any homework books with work in, any Art work completed, and children will receive housepoints for work completed.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.