Year 3 Homework

Dear Parents and Carers,

As per previous messages, Year 3 children should, by now, have handed in their homework books. Please ensure that children have done so by tomorrow, to ensure they receive house points for work completed. Homework handed in after this date will receive marks, but no house points.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 PE next half term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a reminder that for the next half term, Year 3 will NOT be swimming, as per rotation of year groups, but will be doing 2 x PE lessons each week instead.

Therefore, please ensure your child brings their PE kit on a Monday to leave in school all week. This allows for maximum flexibility with regards to PE lesson times, which can sometimes change at short notice due to timetabling issues. PE kit can then be taken home again at the end of Friday, for washing.

PE kit should include long jogging bottoms and a sweater for occasions where PE takes place outside, as well as shorts, house-coloured t-shirt and trainers.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Pet Day reply slips needed

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please could we remind all parents that for your child to to be fully involved on Pet Day, we need to gain your consent for your children to be around pets, especially dogs and cats, with regard to allergies etc.

Therefore, please return your completed reply slip ASAP to your class teacher, noting any allergies, if you have not already done so.

If permission slips are not received, your child will take part in other activities instead.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.


Year 3 Parent’s Workshop Sessions at Beech’s Base

Beech’s Base hosted Parent Workshops for Year 3 families πŸ™‚ It was great to see the children interacting with their adults and having fun!

The activities included making stick dolls, writing poems, creating concoctions in the Science lab, making bird feeders and planting acorns.

Thanks very much for coming along and I hope you enjoyed it.

Mrs K πŸ™‚ x

(Photos to follow… Technical issue!!




3P at Beech’s Base 27.09.22

3P have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

We had a Stone Age theme so began with reading Cave Baby. The children then recreated mud paint using mud and natural colourings such as Beetroot to create masterpieces! We also made Blackberry Jam over the fire and used our archaeological skills to dig for tally stones to formulate 3 digit numbers to name a few activities πŸ™‚

Thanks for a wonderful day 3P

Mrs K x πŸ™‚

Year 3 Parent Workshop at Beech’s Base

Hi Year 3 πŸ™‚

Thank you for your responses to the Parent Workshop on Friday 14th October. I have emailed time slots out. If you haven’t received an email you should get your slip back from the class teacher on Monday.

Any questions please feel free to contact me on

Have a great weekend πŸ™‚

Mrs Kuczynska x

Year 3 Reading Diaries advice for parents

Dear Parents / Carers,

Over the past few days we have received several queries about how to fill in your child’s reading diary when you listen to them read – especially the comments sections. Attached are several documents which should help with this.

parental suggestions-for-reading-diary-comments

Reading-Diary-Comments pdf

Ideally, children in Year 3 should be heard reading aloud every day, but we hope for at least 3 entries per week by an adult from home, to encourage reading for pleasure, fluency, expression, decoding text, and developing vocabulary and confidence when reading aloud. When an adult fills in a child’s Reading Diary with the book details and makes a comment / signs the diary, children are then rewarded in school with house points.

Please contact any of the Year 3 teachers if you have any questions about children reading in Year 3.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.