Yr 3 Residential Information Pack

Please find below information about the Yr 3 Residential to the Pioneer Centre on 11th – 12th April 2019.

All the information from the meeting on 25/10/18 is below. Please complete any of the attached forms and get them into school as soon as possible.

If anyone would like any further information, or talk about individuals needs, then please come and speak with me.

Mr M

consent at first meeting

first paretns meeting

medical form

Pioneer Center 2018

Residential Code of Conduct 2018 Pioneer Centre

Lost Cardigan 3B

Please could all parents check that their children do not have a cardigan with the new NJS logo and the name ‘Mia’ , from class 3B in it. She has lost her cardigan, and obviously would like it back.

Thanks for your support.

Mr Butler

Origami Lunch Club

Can parents please remind children that tomorrow’s lunch origami club is cancelled. The club will resume as normal next week.

Thank you for your understanding

Miss Watson

Year 3 School Trip

Just a quick reminder to parents that children need warm clothes and sensible shoes for tomorrow’s trip to Chetwynd Deer Park.

We are all very excited about our first school trip together!

Thank you for your continued support.

See you tomorrow!

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Lost Boys Coat

Dear Parents,

Please could you check that your child has their own coat? A boy’s coat has gone missing from class 3B – black, brand new, labelled with a name inside. Please contact Mr Butler if you have any information.

Thank you.

Mr Butler

Year visit to Chetwynd Park

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder to parents to send their children appropriately dressed on Monday 8th October for our visit to Chetwynd Deer Park. We recommend the children come dressed for all weathers, including hats and gloves (if appropriate), rain proof coats and suitable footwear.

ALL children need to arrive at school wearing their Chetwynd clothing – school uniform is not necessary.

NB: – Please ensure your child has a change of footwear for the remaining day in school.

The children will eat their lunch as normal at school.

Children who are going in the afternoon will be leaving at around 12.30pm, to arrive at Chetwynd by 1pm. We should be back by 3:30pm latest. Please allow class teachers to take the children into class so they can dismiss from the usual place on the playground.

Finally, several children have not given permission slips back for the trip – please ensure that these arrive on Monday, so that your child can take part in the visit.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 – letters home today, and homework

Dear Parents,

All year 3 children should be bringing home their spellings (stuck into their homelink books), their reading diaries and reading books and their Orange homework books with two maths sheets stuck in, to be completed by next Friday. Please support your child to complete these tasks on time.

By today, all year 3 children should have their Christmas card design and order form. Please fill in a return as per the instructions on the order form.

Children also have a letter about parents evening appointments. Please return the reply slip at the bottom of the letter only, with your choice of times. Times will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you are unable to arrange a suitable time, please contact us to arrange an alternative date / time. We hope to see all of you over the course of this half term, to discuss progress etc.  Please note – year 3 teachers will be available on Monday 15th October, NOT Tuesday 16th.

Thank you.

The Year 3 Team.

Permission Slips

Please can parents return last minute permission slips on Monday morning so that we can get numbers finalised for the trip on the 8th October please.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team