Year 3 Spellings and Homework for 25.10.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 25.10.19

Children should continue to read at home and fill in their diary. They need to practice their 3x, 4x and 5x tables, and spellings, for a test on Friday 25th October (3B will be tested on Thursday, as usual).

This week, we would like children to think about their ‘Spiritual Self’, as part of their work in Beliefs and Values. We would like the children to design a poster that reflects things about their personality and themselves generally. We are calling this their ‘spiritual self’. They can include their likes and dislikes and things that ‘represent’ them. We will instruct the children at school so they should know what to do. Children will have a poster template sheet to complete. This is NOT to be stuck in their homework books please. (3B have accidentally stuck theirs in to their books! No problem – Mr B will sort this out. Please complete the work on the sheet stuck in – thank you).

Work should be completed by next Friday please (3B – Thursday).


Thank you for your continued support,


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 18.10.19

Dear Parents

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 18.10.19

Please read at home at least three times with your child and fill in their reading record book. Children need to practice their 5x tables for a TTRS test at the end of next week.

Maths homework this week is to complete the number bond work, which will be stuck in your child’s homework books.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and Hwk to be completed by 11.10.19

Dear parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 11.10.19

As usual, children need to aim to read every day (minimum 3x weekly) and fill in their reading diaries.

Extra reading = extra house points! Please help your child to learn their x2, x3, x5, and x10 tables. Children will be tested on these regularly. Can they count up in twos, threes, fives and tens? Can they say all of these tables aloud?

Minute Maths homework this week is to try to complete the Minute Maths number bond tests, to develop basic number fluency. Give your child 1 minute per column – if they don’t finish, put a line where they get up to in 1 minute, then support them to complete the calculations.  Can they reduce their time taken over the four tests?

Please mark your child’s answers. Thank you.

HOMEWORK TO BE COMPLETED BY 11.10.18 please (10.10.19 for class 3B)

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 4.10.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 4.10.19

Week 4 handwriting homework

Homework and spellings for this week should arrive home by the end of Friday. Please see attached for details – spellings plus handwriting homework this week, to be completed in orange homework books.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings to be tested 27.9.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings and homework to be tested 27.9.19

Please find attached the year 3 spellings for next week (w/c 23.9.19). Children should also have brought home a Maths place value sheet to complete.

Also, please would you ensure that your child brings in their Reading Diary and orange Homework book on their respective spelling test days, or when asked to by their class teachers, so that work can be marked / new homework given out and stuck in.

As before, 3B will test on Thursday 26th; 3W and 3P will test on Friday 27th.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings w/c 16.9.19

Dear Parents,

Apologies for the late posting of this email, and that it is lengthy!

Attached below are the spellings and homework for Year 3 this week.

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 20.9.19

Last Friday, children should have brought home their spellings to learn, for testing towards the end of this coming week. Generally, 3B are tested on a Thursday – Mr Butler’s last day of the week , whereas 3W and 3P generally test on Fridays.

Children have been told which spelling group they are in. Please support your child to learn their spellings through verbally testing them, and written exercises. This can be recorded in their Homework books (orange-coloured A4 books). Occasionally, children will receive similar spellings, as these are part of a nationally standardised list, which all Year 3 children are expected to know.

Children will also be expected to learn selected times tables each week too, again to be tested on a Friday morning. This week, we are revising tables already known – 2x, 5x, and 10x tables. Your child may also need your support with this.

Children will usually receive an additional piece of homework each week for selected subjects, usually, English, Maths or Science. Our Science topic this term is Electricity. Please help your child to design an electrical safety poster showing how to keep safe around electricity and electrical items / sockets. You can do this either on A4 paper or using a computer and own printer. This needs to be handed in by Friday 20th September. Please contact us if you require further information.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 team.


Year 3 spellings and homework to be tested 5.7.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Spellings to be tested 5.7.19

Apologies for the late posting of this.

Please help your child to read at least every day, recording at least 3 entries per week in their reading diaries. Please support your child to learn their spellings, putting each word into a sentence, in context. Children have a TTRS challenge this week, against the other Year 3 classes. Please support them with this, by allowing access to TTRS at home.

Thank you.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Spellings and Homework to be tested 28.6.19

Dear Parents,

Year 3 spellings to be tested 28.6.19

Please help your child to maintain their reading, at least 3x recorded in diaries, and ideally reading every day with an adult. TTRS paper tests this week will be on the 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x and 12x tables this week. Homework is to try to use your spelling words in an interesting sentence, using neatest handwriting and accurate punctuation. House will be awarded for effort.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Spellings and homework to be tested 21.6.19

Dear Parents,

Week 7 Year 3 Spellings to be tested 21.6.19

Homework for Year 3 to be completed by 21.6.19

Try to read at least three times at home this week. Spellings will be tested on the usual day, next week.

For homework, children need to put each word into an interesting and unusual sentence – try to add extra description, clauses, details, start with -ing, -ly words, (eg: Watching the sunset, he saw the beautiful clouds reflecting an orange glow. / Slowly, he walked home, kicking the ball as he walked.) Please pay care and attention to capital letters, handwriting and punctuation!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team