Year 4 Home Learning – Friday 10th July 2020

Hi Everyone,

Please find below your home learning for tomorrow. Any questions of photos please send to me on

Thanks for all your hard work, have a fantastic weekend. This is my last week sending home learning but I will be in school next week too. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your emails and photos. I have loved seeing them and am very proud of everything you have achieved.

Enjoy your summer holiday, your Year 5 teachers will be very lucky to have such a great year group 🙂

Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Friday 10th July 2020

Maths Budgeting 1,2,3 Star

bucket list

Year 4 Home Learning – Monday 6th July

Hi Year 4

Hope you are all keeping well. Here is the Home Learning for tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it.

If there are any questions or you would like to send me any photos. Please email me on

Many Thanks

Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Monday 6th July 2020

Monday Maths 1 Star

Monday Maths 2 and 3 star

The Planets (Year 4) – Week 2

Monday Maths Actual Amounts

Year 4 home learning Wednesday.

Half way through the week. Hope you’ve had a good week so far.

Anything you want me to look at please send to

Mrs S xx

Wednesday, 1st July

One star maths

Two star maths

Three star maths

translating shapes power point

Introduction to moving or translating shapes

One star English – Adverbial openers

Two star English – Adverbial openers

Three Star English – Adverbial openers