Year 4 Home Learning – Monday 18th May 2020

Good Afternoon Year 4!

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend with your family. Are you keeping safe, happy and well? Below is the attached work for tomorrow. If you would like to send me any photos or have any questions please contact me on

Have a great day

Love Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Monday 18th May 2020

1 Star English

Apostrophes Poster

Maths 1 Star

Monday 2 Star Maths

Monday 3 Star Maths

World Record Breaking TTRS

I just received an email explaining that the Guinness World Record company have decided to add a record attempt for the most questions answered in one minute on Time Tables Rock Stars.

I know that there are many of you who could have a very good attempt at this and could attempt to be a world record breaker. Make sure you clearly follow the rules if you are interested and want your attempt to be counted.

I would advise some serious practise to make you as quick as you can be!

I have attached the letter explaining the rules and how to enter this competition!

Guinness World Records – TT Rock Stars – Letter to Pupils

Whether you are going to enter or not, why don’t you set your TTRS timer to 1 minute and see how many you can answer. Then you can compare with the record breaking attempt!

I cant wait to hear what scores you managed. My highest today was 38… can you beat that to start with?

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Year 4 Home Learning for Friday 15th May

Hello children! Happy Friday to you all. I hope you have had a wonderful week. Here is your home learning for today. Have a lovely weekend. Best wishes Mrs Jukes ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday 15th May






Home Learning for Thursday 14th May (Year 4)

Hi everyone! How are you all today? I hope you have a brilliant day today. Have fun writing your acrostic poems and enjoy your ‘Rivers of the World’ task too. Feel free to send me any examples of your poems if you wish to do so.

Best wishes Mrs Jukes ๐Ÿ™‚

Thursday 14th May



Year 4 Home Learning for Wednesday 13th May

Wednesday 13th May

Hello Year 4! I hope you are all well today and keeping safe. I hope you have a lovely day today. You have music for your alternative lesson today. I hope you enjoy this task. Have a fun day. Best wishes Mrs Jukes ๐Ÿ™‚

1 Star Maths Wednesday

2 Star Maths Wednesday

3 Star Maths Wednesday


The Planets (Year 4) – Week 2


Year 4 Home Learning for Tuesday 12th May

Hi Year 4! How are you all today? I hope you are all well and you enjoyed the tasks that were set yesterday. Today you will begin your local history topic on Iron Bridge. I hope you also enjoy learning about Mary Anning too. I will upload your home learning pack and all of the links separately that you need, just in case you have trouble accessing the links. Kind regards Mrs Jukes ๐Ÿ™‚

Tuesday 12th May

1 Star Maths Tuesday

2 Star Maths Tuesday

3 Star Maths Tuesday



Year 4 Home Learning for Monday 11th May

Hello Year 4! How are you all? I hope you are all well and you have all had fun in the sunshine this weekend. I have made you a short video to watch to let you know what you will be learning this week. I will also include all the separate links for each activity for today, just in case you struggle to download them from the main pdf. I hope you all have a wonderful day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Monday 11th May






Year 4 Home Learning -Thursday 7th May 2020

Hi Year 4

I hope you are all keeping well. I have attached the home learning for tomorrow. It will be our last day of Home Learning for the week because Friday is a Bank Holiday.

Any questions or photos email over to me at

Take Care

Love Mrs Kuczynska ๐Ÿ™‚ x

Home Learning Thursday 7th May 2020

1 star Maths Thursday

1 star Writing Frame

2 star Maths Thursday

3 star Maths Thursday

Cube Net

Persuasive Writing Word Mat


Year 4 Home Learning – Wednesday 6th May 2020

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.ย How did your bunting turn out?!ย I have attached tomorrow’s learning below. Any issues or if you would like to email me some photos please do, my email is

Take Care

Mrs Kuczynska x ๐Ÿ™‚

Home Learning Wednesday 6th May 2020

1Star Maths Weds

2 Star Maths Weds

3star Maths Weds

Persuasive writing templates x 4