
This week the children have spellings, reading and times tables homework. The spelling test will be next Friday as usual. Please can you ensure you listen to your child read at least 3 times over the week and sign the reading record. TTRS homework will go online from Monday and is due by next Friday at 8:45am.

Spellings Wk 6

Reminder… sports day on Monday! Children can come into school in their sports kit and need to wear a t-shirt for their house colour. If you don’t have a coloured t-shirt please send them in with a white t-shirt.

Have a lovely weekend!

Year 3 and Year 4 PE Kit reminder / Sports Day

Dear Parents,

PE kits

All Children in Year 3 and Year 4 will need their PE kits tomorrow, Thursday 20th June, please.

Also, children may need their PE kits on any given day for the remaining term. Therefore, they need to bring their PE kits into school on a Monday and take home on a Friday for the remaining weeks of term, as we will be taking opportunities to do some PE ‘catch up’ sessions, because of poor weather.

Sports Day

Children will be participating in Year 3/4 combined Sports Day on Monday 24th June. They will need to wear their house team coloured t-shirt on Monday, and can come to school dressed in their PE kits.

In the morning, children will take part in Interhouse sports games, and in the afternoon, parents are welcome to attend from 1.30pm onwards for Sports Day competition events.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3/4 Teams.




Please can the children bring in their P.E kit from Monday this week. P.E could be any day this week as we will decide based on the weather (fingers crossed it’s not as bad as last week).

Thank you!


This week for homework we would like the children to research a dinosaur of their choice. We would like them to produce a poster to tell us about their dinosaur. This is linking to our science unit where we have just looked at fossils.

Alongside this, the children will need to read 3 times to an adult and time tables rock stars homework will be online from Monday.

The spelling test will be Friday 21st June.

Spellings Wk 5

Year 4 P.E

On the run up to sports day we are asking that the children bring their P.E kit on a Monday and if they can stay at school (until we complete a session of P.E). This is due to the fact that we may do P.E on different days of the week and therefore cannot always say what day it will be on. Hopefully as the weather improves, we will be able to head out more often to help us prepare for sports day.



This week the children has some quick maths activities to complete. They are only short and will be testing what they can remember from the year.

This will be due in Monday 10th or Tuesday 11st of June.

Alongside the maths activity, the children need to read at least 3 times to an adult. New times tables rock stars will be online from Monday and that will be due Friday.

They have new spellings to learn and will be tested next Friday.

Have a great weekend!


Just  a reminder… the children will need to work on their space themed mobiles over the holiday. We can’t wait to see what they have produced.

They will still have times tables homework set on Monday. Also, we will be checking reading diaries for 6 reads (this was set from last week).

Have a happy and safe half term.