Music in 4OP!

This morning, we went into the hall to use the musical instruments to create a soundscape. We’ve looked at many elements to music including the orchestra and instruments we may see in one. The challenge we had was to create a soundscape inspired by a piece of art.

What an amazing job all of the groups did! The team work and listening was exceptional and I was very proud of them all for being so creative.

Well done 4OP!


Year 4 Performance WEDNESDAY!

We have been communicating for several weeks a limit on the audience to two per child, regardless of their age.  Please can we ask for your support in adhering to this for the safety and comfort of all.



Please remember:

*Strictly two audience members per child (any siblings or babies etc will count as one audience member).  We will ask you to sign in on arrival.  Please don’t place us in the uncomfortable position of having to ask someone to leave.

*We ask that you arrive through the front security gate: you will be directed to bring your child to the Year 3 classrooms and then to make your way to the hall.

*The security gate will open no earlier than 5.30pm.

*Photographs in this performance:

I know as parents you may wish to take photos of your child in their Christmas performance.  Please note that some children, for a whole range of reasons, do not have consent for their photograph to be taken.

Please can I therefore ask that if you take photographs you try to do so only of your own child and that you do not post any photographs from this performance on social media.

Thank you for your support, we are looking forward to these events.

Mrs M

4OP are feeling very festive in their Christmas jumpers today!

Year 4 Music Workshop at BBS

Today, we took part in a music workshop at Burton Borough School. We had a wonderful time trying lots of different instruments such as keyboards, tambourines, glockenspiels, guitars and ukuleles. A huge thank you to Mrs Ruston in the music department at BBS!

Art in 4OP

We are all artists! What a great  afternoon we had creating a journey using symbols to represent different objects.

06.12.23 – Year 4 Music!

Good morning everyone,

This week year 4 have a fantastic opportunity to have a lesson within the music department at Burton Borough School. On Wednesday afternoon (06.12.23), we will be taking half of the year group at a time for a 45 minute lesson with the BBS music teachers.

As per the home school packs (signed at the start of the year), permission for local visits (like BBS) has already been agreed. Anyone who doesn’t have permission will remain in school.

We will be heading to BBS in the afternoon only and we will be back just before the end of the school day.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw, Mr Moody and Mrs Naylor

Yr 4 Diary Date Reminders 4-8th December

Reminders of things happening for Yr 4 Children:

Monday – All Year 4 need swimming kits.
– All children need their performance scripts in school.

Tuesday – Rock Steady Music Concert – parents of Rock Steady children welcome for a 10am start

Wednesday – HOMEWORK DUE IN. Please bring in your homework book by Wednesday morning.
– LIBRARY. Children will have the opportunity to borrow or exchange a school library books.

Thursday –

Friday – Walking Bus initiative from Shuker Field at 8.20am – wearing Christmas Jumpers!
– All Year 4 PE kits

**Playscripts are needed all week – both at home and at school for constant practicing please!**

Thank you

Team Yr 4 x

4OP Aboriginal Paintings

On Tuesday afternoon 4OP had a fantastic time painting journeys and landscapes in the style of Aboriginal art.  Well done 4OP – they look amazing!