Year 4 reminders WC 10/02/25

Please note: Friday is MUFTI as well as a film afternoon, and the PTA charge is £2. Sorry!

Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential

Please can we ask that all medical forms and behavioural contracts are brought back into school ASAP – by Friday 14th Feb at the latest. We are now being chased by the team at Manor Adventure who are trying to make arrangements for our children.

Please send them to the school office.

Thank you

Mr M

Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential Parents Meeting

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the Manor Adventure parents meeting after school tonight, where I was able to share details of our upcoming residential.

For anyone who was unable to attend and for reference, below are the slides I shared at the meeting.

Also below is the medical consent form and behavioural contract, which both need returning to school by Friday 7th February at the latest, as well as the all important kit list – paper copies can now be obtained from the school office.

If anyone has any further questions then please get in touch.

Kindest regards,

Mr M

NJS/Manor Flyer: Manor Adventure and NJS flyer

Kit list: kit list

Medical form: medical form

Behavioural Contract: Residential Code of Conduct 2025 Manor Adventure

Shared parent slides: Presentation to Parents 25

Year 4 Pet Day- Brighter Days Rescue Dog Shelter

As part of the Year 4 children’s Pet Day they will be visited by a Penkridge based charity, Brighter Days Rescue.

4PW – Times Tables TTRS Heatmaps

Dear 4PW Parents and Carers,

By the end of the week, your child will come home with an updated TTRS heatmap in their homelink diaries. This shows the amazing progress we have all been making with our times tables recall! Please keep practicing as much as you can at home (not just TTRS, writing out in your homework book or chanting them on your daily dog walk – whatever works for you!). We are continuing daily times tables practice in school too.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Mrs P and Mrs W 🙂