Year 4 Home Learning *Photos*

Hi Year 4

Look at Ruby’s Symmetry Art below! She only used a ruler but was able to create the curved line. Can you spot the line of symmetry?

Thank you for sending in such fantastic work Ruby šŸ™‚

Love Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Year 4 home learning Monday

Hi Year 4,

Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend and are ready for the new week.

If you have anything to share please email me

Mrs SĀ  xx

Monday, 29th June

Punctuating speech

One star English -Speech Marks

Two star English – Speech marks

Three star English – Speech Marks

coordinates power point

One star maths

Two star maths

Three star maths

Learning about the history of Newport

This week our 4NJ bubble has enjoyed learning all about the history of Newport. We have learnt lots of new facts such as; Newport was once called Nova Burgo & we have also learnt facts about the Great Fire in 1665. We have loved making posters too.

Year 4 Home Learning – Thursday 25th June 2020

Good Afternoon Year 4,

Please find attached the home learning for tomorrow. If you would like to send me any photos or have any questions please email me on

Take care

Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Thursday 24th June 2020

Thursday Maths 1 Star

Thursday Maths 2 Star

Thursday Maths 3 Star

Music The Planets (Year 4) – Week 1

Play Script Writing Frame 1 Star

Play Script Writing Frame 2 Star

Writing a Play Script Checklist 3 Star

Year 4 Home Learning *Photo*

Morning Year 4

James B has sent in a great playscript, see the photo below. Maybe you could have a go at acting it out?! With his fantastic stage directions I am sure it will turn out great šŸ™‚

Well Done James x

Year 4 Home Learning – Wednesday 24th June 2020

Good Afternoon Year 4,

Please find attached the home learning for tomorrow. If you would like to send me any photos or have any questions please email me on

Take care

Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Wednesday 24th June 2020

Play Script Features Poster

Writing a Play Script Checklist 3 Star

Play Script Writing Frame 2 Star

Play Script Writing Frame 1 Star

Music The Planets (Year 4) – Week 1

Tuesday and Wednesday Maths 3 Star

Wednesday Maths 2 Star

Wednesday Maths 1 Star

Year 4 Home Learning – Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Hi Year 4

How did you get on with the Scrabble challenge yesterday? Hope you are all well.

Any problems or pictures email over to me,

Have a good day,

Love Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Tuesday Maths 1 Star

Tuesday Maths 2 Star

Tuesday and Wednesday Maths 3 Star

Play Script Jack and Jill 1 Star

Writing a Play Script PowerPoint

Wildlife Week Art by 4nj

Hello year 4,

We have had a fantastic week learning about Wildlife. We have created Wind in the Willow Art to share with the Rylands nursing home. We have also had an exciting time learning lots of facts from Steve Backshall. Last Wednesday our bubble & school got a special mention at 3 minutes 59 seconds into the video clip. We hope you enjoy watching.