5PJ – Moon Phases!

5PJ had the BEST lesson this morning in Science. The children are currently looking at all things space! With this, they looked at the moon phases – which take place over 28 days. We looked at the scientific terms for each moon and why we don’t always see a full moon. We also discovered what makes the moon glow!

Here we are making the moons from a lunar phase using biscuits! It is safe to say we thoroughly enjoyed this lesson…

5PJ Art – Newport High Street

5PJ have been busy constructing old buildings in Newport today.  The buildings were the placed on to a large scale map of the town. .  Well done 5PJ!

Year 5 Art

Reminder – Please could children bring in an old shirt to cover their school uniform for painting. 5PJ will be painting in school tomorrow.  5W and 5M will be painting in the next week or two so please could they bring an old shirt in and leave it in their locker ready.  Thank you!

5W class assembly – reminder

Reminder that 5W’s class assembly will be on Thursday 2nd February at 2.30pm for any parents/carers who would like to watch.

Year 5 Art

Year 5 will be constructing small models of buildings in Newport as part of their art this half term.  This will also link to their history topic.  Please could children bring in small cardboard items such as cereal boxes and kitchen rolls in preparation for building the models.  Thank you! Year 5 Team.

Congratulations Art Club

Well done & congratulations to all of our art club members who contributed towards creating the Christmas window display at Henshall’s Insurance. We were the overall winners of the Newport Christmas Window competition. We are all super proud of you 😀