Year 5 Home Learning – 03/03/21

Year 5 Home Learning – 03/03/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Wednesday 03.03.21

Home Learning Overview:   Home learning overview

Maths:  Maths 3.3.21 fractions about us

English:  English 2.3.21 and 3.3.21

Reading:   Reading – Word Upleveling

Foundation:   #Lesson Presentation Discovery and Learning HL  &    Activity Sheet Significant Islamic Inventions

Todays Teams

9am – 5M, 5H & 5L all at the same time!!

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Year 5 Home Learning – 02/03/21

Year 5 Home Learning – 02/03/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Tuesday 02.03.21

Home Learning Overview:  Home learning overview

Maths:  Maths 2.3.21 perimeter and area of rectangles

English:  English 2.3.21 and 3.3.21

Reading:   Reading – Picture Resource

Foundation:  Activity Sheet Comparing Treatments

Todays Teams

9am – 5M

10am – 5H

11am – 5L

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

February Sport Challenges

Well done to all the children who have taken part in the February Sports Challenges.

Hopefully you’ve spotted yourself on our school website.

Please find your participation certificate below, please get your parents to complete them and sign them on my behalf.

Please find the certificate here:     certificate

Well done and thank you to you parents,

Mr M x


Year 5 Home Learning – 01/03/21

 Year 5 Home Learning – 01/03/21

 Hi Year 5

Happy last week of home learning!!!

Please find attached the home learning for Monday 01.03.21

Home Learning Overview:    Home learning overview 1.3.21

Maths:  Maths 1.3.21 perimeter and area  &   Maths 1.3.21 perimeter and area

English: English 1.3.21

Reading:  ghost-tower-2-eyes-of-the-dragon-landscape   &   Reading – Who said What

Foundation:#Lesson Presentation Islamic Art HL   &     Activity Sheet Drawing Geometric Patterns

Todays Teams

9am – 5L

10am – 5H

11am – 5M

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L


Return to School Survey

We are interested to gather the thoughts of our parents/carers and children about the return to school on the 8th March and would be grateful for families to complete the below questionnaire.

Survey link:    or    

If you have concerns specific to your child that you wish to discuss please do email your class teacher directly as this feedback does not identify individuals.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Moody