
Just a reminder Year 6, when setting up your work area ready for a live lesson, remember to have access to all the resources you will need for the session.


February Sport Challenges 1st

After consuming a few too many mince pies and glasses of mulled wine over the festive season, the month of January can leave us all feeling a little sluggish. You probably started the year off with New Years Resolutions, but they have quickly faded into a distant memory. So, to mark February and a fresh start, why not set complete these stimulating sporting challenges – and really kick 2021 back into gear? Each day I will post a sporting challenge for you to complete!

1st Feb

Home learning 27.1.21

Hello Year 6,

Just a few reminders – TTRS battle is on! Do your bit for your class score!

Reading of The lost diaries of Henry VIIIs executioner is due to out later today, make sure you’re keeping up with events!


English  – Miss Sherry’s live lesson. Miss Sherry would  love to use some of your work in her live lesson, please send some of your writing (from 26.1.21) to the email address.

lesson 8 27.01.21


wk 4 day 3

Design Technology

To plan and construct a Tudor building


wednesday 27.01.21


Please remember to send in your work to the address. I can’t wait to see your Tudor buildings!

Home learning lessons tomorrow

Online tomorrow is Literacy

6S 9am

6K 10am

6J 11am

Please remember to watch the reading of the year group book, as it is chronological order and we don’t want you to miss events and reasons why Tudor Britain changed.

Just a reminder – Mr. J set a TTRS challenge between all the year 6 classes. It ends on Thursday so do your bit to up your classes score!