Factors and Multiples

Today in year 6 we have been working on our understanding and applying of factors, multiples, prime and square numbers through the game Factor Lines. image image image image

Year 6. Practise swimming gala

Year 6 practise gala on Thursday afternoon. Mplease can children remember their kits.  All children will return to  school for 3.30pm.  X

Year 6 homework for 12.6.15

Year 6 have been asked to complete a food diary for Friday!

Year 6 Burton Borough Parental Pen Portraits

Year 6 parents if your child will be attending Burton Borough School in September please can you return these to Mrs M or Mr B by Tuesday 9th June.

Thank you! x

Year 6 crucial crew

crucial crew letters came home today, please return by 23rd June.

Year 6 Burton Borough Transition

Please return your ‘Parent Pen Portrait’ by Friday!

Year 6 News

Year 6 news goes here