6J reach 10 class stars!

Having reached 10 class stars, 6J will have a film on the afternoon of Friday 2nd February. Children do not need to bring anything in, Mr J will provide some drinks and snacks to have with the film.

If your child has any specific allergies, and you would prefer to send a snack of your own choosing, then please feel free.


Yr 6 Homework

Homework due in by Wednesday 31st January.

  1. Complete spellings and paragraph containing the words in context.
  2. Complete angles worksheet – this follows on from our work on angles in class. For more support on angles please see the following link:  https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/degrees.html
  3. Research Wax Work inspirational person. Children have been asked to research and find out information about their chosen inspiration. This will support our literacy work this week where we will be writing a biography.

As ever, please present your homework to a high standard and ensure it is with your class teacher before the deadline.

6B art

Year 6 have been looking at the topic of ‘self portraits’ in art. This week 6B were looking at the artist Julian Opie and were trying to create their own self portrait in the style of Julian Opie. I was very impressed with their paintings. Well done!


Yr 6 Lost Property

We have a very large amount of lost property in the Yr 6 corridor. Please can we ask that you remind children to check here for any lost PE Kits, Swimming kits, trainers, jumpers, coats, lunchboxes etc. Anything that has a name in it will be handed out this week.

Anything that is still remaining here by Friday will be sent to the main school lost property area.


6J Guided Reading – Making powerpoints

As part of our final lesson in Guided Reading, 6J were tasked with creating an information powerpoint explaining all about parkour/free running which was the main theme in our recent book: Jump by Ann Evans.

The children really enjoyed using the laptops to research information and learned a lot about how to present information in an appealing fashion.

Mr J was very impressed with their hard work and attitude toward this lesson! Well done 6J!

Before School Reminder – Yr 6

Please can we ask that Yr 6 children do not regularly arrive at school before 08:30am.

Children are unsupervised before 08:45am and there have been a number of children arriving at school well before this time.

Following a number of incidents this week, the children have been reminded that they are not to stand on the driveway for their own safety as this is used by cars right up until 08:30am. The areas for standing are clearly indicated by cones and we ask that children remain within these areas at all times.

Thank you.


Beech’s Base

Thank you so much to Miss Lockwood and Miss Whitehouse for 6B’s session at Beech’s Base on Wednesday. The children had the best time building trebuchets on the school field. This fit in with our topic of ‘angles’ in maths and looking at Tudor weapons.