6B PE tomorrow

Dear parents,

Can you ensure that all children in class 6B have their outdoor PE kits in school for a tag rugby lesson tomorrow (Wednesday) please?

This needs to be correct PE uniform: black or navy blue shorts/ joggers, white or house team coloured t-shirt and trainers.

Many thanks,

Mrs Bold

Class 6B BB reminder!

Please remember that class 6B have Beech’s Base tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon! They will need to come to school wearing forest school clothes, with a spare pair of clothes and shoes in their bags. Thanks!

6J Computing – Spreadsheets

6J have been working on functions and formulas in computing this afternoon. They were tasked with calculating totals and averages from a series of data. All pairs were able to do this and find out the information they needed using the sum and average formulas. Amazing effort 6J!

6B Tag rugby

Yesterday afternoon, class 6B enjoyed a tag rugby session by Ms Robson from BBS. We really enjoyed all the activities and learnt a lot of skills from the lesson.

6J Dance in PE

Amazing effort from 6J today. We worked on recreating the infamous Haka routine before moving into groups and rehearsing our own as part of our PE Dance unit.

Sam’s Lego D-Day Creation

Well done to Sam H in Yr 6 for his amazing effort on recreating a scene from the D-Day battle out of lego! Sam spent hours perfecting this and I think he should be very proud of his efforts. This links in with our recent work in class on WW1, great effort, Sam!

Yr 6 Burton Borough Visit to NJS

This afternoon, members of staff from Burton Borough School have visited Yr 6 to do some work around secondary school transition. The children got to talk about their worries & concerns as well as things that they are excited and looking forward to.

Thank you to the BBS staff for helping to make our children feel comfortable with the idea of transition.

Each child will be coming home with a sheet that the BBS have asked them to complete. This sheets applies to all children, even those not attending BBS next year as it is designed to work on transition generally, not to any specific school. Please bring this back in and hand it to your class teacher,