Year 6 swimming Monday

A quick reminder that year 6 are swimming Monday. Don’t forget your kits! See you all tomorrow.

Yr 6 Messy Maths Day

NJS will be holding our Messy Maths Day on Monday 5th June.

Can we ask that Yr 6 children come to school in PE kit for this day as some of our activities will be linked to maths within sport. This will involve children carrying out physical exercise for parts of the day. If you wish to bring a spare change of clothes for after the activities, then please feel free to do so.

Everything the children need will be provided within school.

We are very much looking forward to showing children how their maths within school can be put in practice in real life, including some future careers.

Yr 6 Deer Park – Camera Reminder

Please can we remind you that Yr 6 children are attending the Deer Park on Wednesday for a photography workshop. We will be leaving school at 9am prompt and returning to school by 12:30pm.

Where possible, we ask that children bring their own camera. We have a limited supply of camera/iPads within school, but certainly not enough for every child. If not enough children are able to bring their own camera, children may have to share a device.

Many thanks,

Year 6 Alton Towers

A few reminders to parents about the upcoming trip to Alton Towers for our year 6 children on Tuesday 23rd May:

-Children MUST be in school for 8:30am, as the coach is leaving at 8:45am.
-Children with asthma must bring their own inhalers into school.
-Unless otherwise stated, and in receipt of Free School Meals, children to bring a packed lunch and plenty of drinks.
-Children are allowed to bring up to £5 to spend in Alton Towers gift shop, if they wish to.
-Please ensure children wear comfortable, closed in shoes for the day.
-Make sure your child has packed a light, waterproof coat.
-Depending on the weather that day, your child may need sunscreen and a hat.
-Children to leave mobile phones in school, as normal. The adult in their groups will take photos.
-We are due to be back in school at approximately 6:30pm, traffic dependent. Please ensure that you keep an eye on Facebook and the school website for updates on time back to school.

Many thanks,

The year 6 team.

Yr 6 Photogrpahy Workshop

On Wednesday 24th May, Yr 6 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park to participate in a photography workshop.

We will be walking from school to the deer park and must arrive before 09:30am so we ask that children are in school promptly that morning for a 9am departure.

We will be arriving back at school just after 12pm so will eat lunch back at school.  Children can be hot dinners or packed lunch as normal.

The children will be working with a photographer who will show them photography techniques before they have the freedom to explore the deep park and capture images.

Each child will then select their favourite image to submit for the Newport Show competition, with prizes on offer for the winners.

We ask that children bring their own camera for this visit. In the event that a child does not have access to a camera, we have a limited supply in school that we can lend for the day.

Strictly no mobile phones to be used for the visit. 

Please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions about this visit.



London Residential – Information for Parents

Please find attached the presentation from the London Parents Meeting held on Tuesday after school for any parents who were unable to make it.

Should you have any questions please contact either myself, Mrs Green or Mr Jones.

Thank you,

Mr Rotherham

London Trip parental powerpoint

Art Club Trip To Fordhall Organic Farm

The art club children have all had a fabulous trip at Fordhall farm in Market Drayton today. We have learnt all about how organic crops grow. The children were able to collect eggs from the community garden & enjoyed learning about cows, lambs & pigs. In the afternoon we have really enjoyed sketching the river & piglets too. Well done to all the children, Ms Branton & Ms Anderson for a fabulous day.

BEAM parents virtual workshops 17.5.23

We have been given the fantastic opportunity to offer parents virtual workshops from BEAM throughout May.

The second workshop is exclusively for our parents, where BEAM will introduce themselves and what they can offer to help support you and your child. The other two workshops are offered to the community and are focused on sleep and anxiety.

The chart below has times/dates & links for each of the workshops. All you need to do if you are interested in joining is click on the link from your own personal electric device, you can keep anonymous if you wish.

All the information you need is in this chart below for the Parent workshops:-

Date & Time & who


Title M S Team Link
Wednesday 10th May, 4pm Parents & Professionals in Shropshire Telford and Wrekin area. Understanding Sleep better for your children




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Wednesday17th May

9 – 9:30am Introduction for Parents of NJS.




Introduction to Beam for Parents of NJS. Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 31st May, 4pm Parents & Professionals in Shropshire Telford and Wrekin area. Supporting Children and understand anxiety in children and young people.



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Meeting ID: 381 872 517 94
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