Good morning everyone,

I hope that you have found the resources shared this week helpful. Tomorrow, the children will all be completing some tasks within the classroom. Look out for any posts about this from the teachers!

I am going to leave this final resource in the hope that it helps! Positive affirmations are a fantastic tool to support children with a variety of emotions. They help children think positively which can support a change in mindset.

Positive Affirmations

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning everyone,

Today, I am going to share some fantastic techniques to support children when needed. The first is a breathing technique and helps children focus to support feeling calm.

Star Breathing

Another technique I would suggest is the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method. This is great for helping children stop and focus on what is around them. This is really useful if children feel overwhelmed and can support helping them to stay calm.

5 4 3 2 1 – Grounding Mindfulness technique

I hope that you find these useful!

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning everyone,

Following on from my post yesterday, I thought I would share a fantastic resource produced by Place2be. This year is the 10th year of Children’s mental health week by Place2be. Below you will find some top tips for families as well as some great conversation starters.

CMHW – Top Tips for Families

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


This week is the official Place2Be Children’s Mental Health Week!

Children’s mental health week is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children! At NJS, we will be supporting children’s mental health week and completing a variety of tasks throughout the school week. This year the theme is…

Keep an eye out for what we get up to this week! I will also be sharing a variety of resources each day to support with any conversations you may have at home.

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

3T W/B 5th Feb

Dear Parents/Guardians of 3T,

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support since the children started at NJS in September. They have all made a brilliant start to their time here and I have truly enjoyed teaching them. I am confident that they will enjoy having Mrs Pearson and Mrs Wheat too.

As you will be aware, next week is very busy so please see events below:

Monday: Swimming

Tuesday: Safer internet day. PE. The class in the afternoon will have chance to spend time with Mrs Pearson.

Wednesday: Beech’s Base in the afternoon so as always please send your child in outdoor clothing suitable for the forest. Please ensure the children have suitable footwear (ideally wellies).

Thursday: Wax work museum day. The class will also have chance to spend time with Mrs Wheat after lunch before the wax work museum.

Friday: Please have PE kits in school as I intend to do some extra PE with the class. Break for half-term.


Mr Tipton 🙂


Class 3B Important Messages and Dates

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last week, 3B won our in-school competition for registering on time, called ‘Beat-the-Bell’. As a reward, (children in 3B only) can wear MUFTI this Friday (2nd February) – well done everyone!

On Tuesday 6th February, children in 3B will have Beech’s Base in the afternoon, and can come dressed in their Beech’s Base clothing, appropriate for the weather. Please send them in with boots in a bag, and waterproof, warm clothing. They MUST have a change of footwear for the morning session.

Finally, if you have already provided your child with a card backdrop for their Waxwork Museum display work, thank you very much – some of these look amazing already. Children are really excited to show you what they have done in class to add to these. We would be really grateful to those who haven’t if they could find something for their children to present their work on – any large cardboard / large cardboard box to deconstruct will do!

Thank you all for helping with this,

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Class 3B PE kit needed tomorrow (Thursday 1st February)

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder that PE kits are required on Monday, to be left in school and taken home on Friday. Thank you to all those children who did have their kits today!

Today, five children did not have PE kits in school, which creates a supervision issue,  and also deprives those children of learning new skills / knowledge.

For tomorrow, children will need their PE kit for an extra lesson, with Mr Humphries. Please ensure they have their kit, and are prepared for indoor OR outdoor PE, bearing in mind it is cold outside! (bring joggers and sweatshirt as well, just in case).

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Butler



Tomorrow afternoon 3T will be tasting and evaluation different breads as part of their product research in DT.

The children will taste 3 of the following breads:

Either:  White crusty roll or Soft white bread

Either: Brown soft loaf or Crusty malted loaf

Either: Gluten free bread or Sourdough bread

All allergies have been considered however if you have any questions regarding please email me on:


Mr Tipton

Year 3 Waxwork Museum Homework and advice

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following several queries, I would like to offer some further clarification regarding our Raising Aspirations project on an inspirational person.

Once selected, children need to do some research about their person, and bring it in. For example, finding out things about:

  • Age, who they are, what they are mainly famous for
  • Early life / childhood
  • Early adulthood
  • Key events in their life
  • Achievements
  • Legacy (what they will be remembered for)
  • Why you look up to them / are inspired by them.

This information should be as notes /bullet points / key information – it doesn’t need to be perfectly formed sentences – we will be working on that in class over the next two weeks, to create a piece of biographical writing.

Children have been asked to bring in a large piece of card if available, about
2ft x 3ft
approximately, if this is available. This will be used to present their work and stick things onto, as per the pictures of previous waxwork museum days we have posted on the school website.

Another thing that would help enormously would be if children could decorate their piece of cardboard at home, possibly with a printed colour picture (s) of their chosen person, but again, this is not essential, just very helpful / kind.

Again, you do not need to stick on the biographical writing at home. This will be done in school, ready for the Waxwork Museum day on Thursday 8th February.

Finally, children have been asked where possible, to come in dressed as their inspirational person. It is absolutely not essential to buy a premade costume for this purpose, although it is your decision to do so. There is NO pressure from school to do this. E.g. old sheets, parent’s shirts, oversized and safety-pinned clothing can be used, or a trip to the charity shop could suffice. Be creative!

Whilst this advice is for Year 3 children, other year groups may find this information useful. I would advise parents and carers of children from other year groups to speak with their teachers before following this advice.

If you have any further queries, please speak with your child’s class teacher before the end of this week. Hopefully, this will be an enjoyable event and motivating and inspiring experience for the children.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.