SEND parent questionnaire from PODS

Message to parent carers and families
This is the second Parent Carer Survey for the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) funded by NHS England in partnership with the Department of Education, Department for Health and Social Care and the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF).
The purpose of the PINS project has been to improve the experience of mainstream school for children who may have an additional educational need. The information from the survey will be used to understand the influence there has been on parent carer views since the start of PINS.
The survey is for all parents and carers of children attending schools participating in the project. If you have more than one child attend the school, then you may complete the survey for the number of children you have attending the school.
Closing date for the survey is 21st March 2025.
Please share your views and experiences here: 

Year 5 walk

We are planning to go on our walk to Greggs and the park tomorrow morning. We have decided to allow the children to bring upto £5 to spend. The children are to be responsible for their own money and will need a purse or wallet to carry the money in.

Children will need to be in uniform but can wear trainers or comfortable footwear.

Year 5 children at school

Children have PE tomorrow. I am happy for the children to attend in their kits and bring their uniform to get changed into afterwards.

Week beginning 10.3.25

All children staying in school next week will be based in 5K with Mrs Kerr and Mrs Henderson.

We will be going for walk to Gregg’s and the park later in the week. We will let parents know the day before we go – it will be weather dependent.

Monday children will need swimming kits

Tuesday Ms Crompton will be with Year 5

Wednesday children will need PE kits



Arthog Residential – Final Letter!

As we head towards the residential on Monday – here are some last weekend reminders for our trip!

last letter

Have a lovely weekend

Mr M

Week beginning 3.3.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates/Ms Branton in the afternoon

5P with Mrs H


5OP Mr Lambert 5K and 5OP  swimming kits
Tuesday Mr L 5OP
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in pm5OP with Mrs H in pm



Mr L  in 5OP   5K and 5P PE
Thursday 5K with Mrs H 




Mrs P in 5OP Library

BOOK WEEK dress up day

5P swimming kits
Friday 5OP Mrs P 5OP PE kits

Week beginning 24.2.25

Day Is anyone different teaching a class? Shared classes: who is teaching? Things happening: Things I need to bring:
Monday 5K with Mrs Yates in the afternoon

5OP pm with Miss S

5OP Mrs O 5K open lunch 5K and 5OP need swimming kits
Tuesday Mrs O and Mrs P in 5OP 5OP open lunch
Wednesday 5K Mrs Yates in pm



Mrs O  in 5OP 5P open lunch

5OP Beech’s base

5K and 5P PE
Thursday 5OP with Ms B




Mrs P in 5OP Library 5P swimming kits
Friday 5K Mrs Yates 5OP Mrs P 5OP PE kit

spelling bee for some children at Adam’s – letters have gone out to those involved

Catches win Matches!

A great day was had by 20 Y5/6 children today playing a Kwik Cricket tournament at Telford Tennis Centre.

Our 2 teams played each other in the final with NJS 2 coming out on top in a thriller by 5 runs. As I told the children, catches win matches.