5M Advent Calendar Day 8

Today marks the turn of Macie and Jake C, two children who have been with me for a long while now!

Macie is an absolutely invaluable part of 5M. Librarian, chief organiser amongst many things with an excellent work ethic. Macie is a fantastic role model to all of our school community with the way she is and she is an integral part of the class.

Jake C loves Maths (he’ll tell you it’s what he comes to school for!) and can usually be found wearing some piece of Liverpool kit. Blue clothes day meant no Liverpool kit and instead a PSG shirt. I have loved teaching Jake for the past 18 months.

5M Advent Calendar Day 7

Today is the turn of Jake and Fayed.

Fayed is our School Council Rep for 5M and a lover of all things Geography, which definitely gets a tick in my book!

Jake M is our resident bookworm.Jake loves reading and he is really passionate about it. We can always find him head down in a book!

5M Weekly Reminders

There a couple of slight changes this week.

P.E. will be on Monday this week and will be definitely outside as we continue our learning in Handball.

Swimming will be Tuesday as usual.

Wednesday, we will be at the Panto roughly 9.15 – 12.30ish.

Friday, we are going to have a Computing morning and make our Crumble projects.

5M Advent Calendar Day 6

Today is the turn of Eva and Theo.

Eva the Diva loves her dance and she is constantly creating dance routines on the playground. Eva is a permanently positive shiny influence on 5M.

Our resident Scandinavian Theo is a man of many languages and nationalities. Theo loves Maths and telling people about his Finnish roots!

5M Advent Calendar Day 5 (Slight Delay!)

Today marks a return to the boy girl format after yesterday’s male double header.

Peyton is our kind, sweet-natured South African whose family certainly enjoyed the Rugby World Cup from her tales in class. In PSHE this year, Peyton has explained her cultural differences to the class and she is rightly very proud of her heritage.

Mr Manchester United Kian who wears a different United kit each mufti day, including the horrible (in my mind) lime green away kit! Kian specialises in football and athletics at school.

5M Advent Calendar Day 4 (Slight Delay!)

Today marks two of the sportier members of 5M.

Football-mad Charlie who comes to school each day with a variety of Wolves related things (for his sins!) who plays for Nova United each weekend.

Rowan is talented at many sports, playing football for Nova, cricket at my club Allscott and also following his Mum and playing bowls!

5M Advent Calendar Day 3

Today is the turn of Freya and Israel.

Israel joined us in October and all of the class and staff love him for his impeccable manners and how friendly he is with everyone.

Despite the face here 😂, Freya is an excellent member of 5M, chief organiser, tidier and all round good egg to have in the class.