NJS Online Safety Newsletter November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Online Safety Newsletter Nov 2021_Newport PDF

Online Safety Newsletter Nov 2021_Newport

Attached is the latest Online Safety newsletter, with information about the following areas of interest:

  • Squid Game – what is it / where it can be found / what to do about it.
  • Grand Theft Auto (GTA) / Call of Duty Mobile / alternatives.
  • Age ratings and where to find them
  • Spotting scams
  • Anti-Bullying week 15th-19th November 2021
  • What if my child has seen something inappropriate?

Please contact the school if you require further advice or support with any of the issues / topics covered in this newsletter.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Reminder – Year 3 HT awards at Beech’s Base tomorrow lunchtime

Dear parents,

This is a reminder for Year 3 children ONLY, who won the Headteacher’s Award last week AND the week before, to bring their wellies, a packed lunch and change of clothes TOMORROW for lunchtime. They will eat lunch around the campfire, and toast marshmallows.

Apologies that this message may not have gone out in Class 3B. Please pass this on if you are aware of parents in 3B who may need to know this.

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Forest School Date Change

Dear Parents,

Just to remind you all, some children came in today and were not aware of the dates for their class trip to Forest School. Please pass on the message below to all year 3 parents you know!
Many thanks,

Mr Butler

Message below: sent Thursday last week.

Due to staff training, we would like to confirm the new dates below as correct for Forest Schools next week. These dates may be different to the ones sent out by letter previously, but are definitely correct:

3P – Tuesday 6th July

3B – Wednesday 7th July

3W – Thursday 8th July

We hope this doesn’t cause any inconvenience – apologies if it does. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for their class’s day.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team