Safer Internet Day 2021 resources – Helping your child online

Dear Parents,

Attached are several resources from the day’s lessons in Year 3, plus some extra resources which may be suitable for all years, from, which can be accessed here:

Parents and carers – Childnet



Kind regards,

Mr Butler


Year 3 Online Safety lesson video resource

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the video resources for the online lesson tomorrow. If during the lesson, you are unable to see the video, please click ‘play’ below to watch it separately. Alternatively, you could watch it in advance of the lesson.

Kind Regards,

Mr Butler

Year 3 Spellings & Homework reminder Spring 1st Half term

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that children will be tested on their spellings next week, if they are attending school.

If your child is learning at home, please could we ask that they be tested by you, using the appropriate list. Any spelling practice completed this term can be photographed and sent in via the email .

We have attached the spellings and homework sheet again below.

Homework for Spring 1st half 2021

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 21st January

Dear Parents,

Please find the home learning pack attached for Thursday 21st January.

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 21.01.21

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 21.01.21 PDF

We are really impressed with all the fabulous work you are all doing, and we really enjoy seeing all of this via the year 3 email. Please keep sharing!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler and the Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 18th January

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the Home Learning for Monday 18th January.

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 18.01.21

Children will be using Fiction Express resources today and may require their login, which should be stuck inside their Homelink book covers or Reading Diary covers. Please contact use via the email if you require assistance with this.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.